paid for upgrade pro plan for 1 year

Hi I pay for upgrade my plan to Pro for 1 year before a week and still are is on Free plan
6 Replies
Jane Doe
Jane DoeOP5mo ago
1 week after payment I still on Free plan
Chaika5mo ago
Need to support ticket ?billing
Flare5mo ago
Cloudflare's billing system is undergoing some changes/migration. During this period, you may notice extra bills, incorrect bills, or other issues. To resolve these issues, create a Support ticket by using the following link (you must be logged into your Cloudflare account): Note that all accounts, even Free plan accounts, can create billing tickets. Tickets are the only way to resolve billing issues; we cannot help you in this Discord.
Jane Doe
Jane DoeOP5mo ago
I already do that before a week when paid still no answer and not resolve And when I’m not upgrade to Pro because that is a my problem and still I’m on free plan how exactly to open ticket ?!!’b its almsot 2 week and nothing, and not upgrade i need to open Dispute on Paypal for someone can take action and fix it ? 10 days and no answer on ticket so what else need to do ? and stupid ticked system when try to open ticket What is the impact to your business? P4 - General questions related to Cloudflare’s products and services. P3 - An issue, that while potentially service impacting, does not prevent service usage. P2 - Repeated inability to use the Service from a single location or localized region. P1 - Service is significantly impaired and unavailable to multiple user locations. Subscription Which subscription are you discussing? For example "Load Balancing" dont have nothing of that can be used for the problem and i really start to pissed a lot @Helpflare ?
Cyb3r-Jak35mo ago
You should be doing a billing ticket not a technical ticket And if you already have one open then you have to wait there a lot of billing tickets.
Jane Doe
Jane DoeOP5mo ago
Yes I have open tickets on billing also problem are is I’m under ddos and can’t do nothing because 10 days my plan it’s not update

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