Unable to add new domain with no outstanding balance
I am trying to add a free plan for a new domain (freebox.co), but I am getting the following error: "You cannot add or modify subscriptions or services until the outstanding balance is paid. You should be able to do so in your Billing page." However, all invoices are paid. I opened a support ticket 3 days ago with no response (01218870).
8 Replies
Still no reply from cf on ticket yet?
@Chaika I received an unhelpful automated response about trying different payment methods when a payment fails, but I am not trying to make a payment. I am trying to add a site.
If you'd like your ticket to be escalated the easiest way is to make a post on the community forums (https://community.cloudflare.com/) and link here, and I can make sure it gets thrown in the escalation queue. Just easier since this discord is for the developer platform and Cf Employees can respond directly to you on the community/see your linked cf account from the escalation
Thanks, added to escalation queue
@Chaika this ticket has still not been resolved. Is there anything you can do?
10h they updated the esc saying waiting for billing team action
@Chaika The support ticket (01218870) was closed a week ago (11/7/2024, 8:48 PM PST) with no resolution. The forum post was also locked 30 minutes ago (11/14/2024, 9:45 AM PST) with no resolution. Can I please get someone to actually look into this issue?