relations and functions class 12 , can someone explain the answer
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Show that the relation R in the set N x N defined by (a,b) R (c,d) ...
Show that the relation R in the set N x N defined by (a,b) R (c,d) if a2 + d2 =b2 + c2 ∀ a, b, c, d ∈ N, is an equivalence relation.

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Note for OP
+solved @user1 @user2...
to close the thread when your doubt is solved. Mention the users who helped you solve the doubt. This will be added to their stats.For reflexive, pair = a,b a,b so it will satisfy
For symmetric, pair = a,b b,a which will also satisfy
For transitive if a2 + b2 = c2 + d2 and c2 + d2 = e2 + f2 we can see that a2 + b2 will be equal to e2 + f2
Shouldn't it be For symmetric (a,b),(c,d)⇒(c,d),)(a,b) belong to set
Yes mb
we good?
+solved @Gamertug
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