Help me choose a green OCDB. Which is more versatile between light and dark?
Basically title, I need a green one that can go with jeans, (darker) grey chinos or even a bog standard khaki bottom if necessary. Is green even a good color for casual office/general wear? ty
10 Replies
I like both and yes it’s a great color for casual office and general wear
green is nice, i prefer the classic minty green for ocbds over the 2 you shared though
something more like this?
more like this
a lil less saturated
both of the other colors you shared would both work in their space, but dark dress shirt and those funky middle-tones can be more fussy than you want for officewear
Im a big fan of a minty green uni stripe
a la Wythe
smh wythe irl calls it evergreen
but yea it does look good
you can get away with like whatever color when it's a stripe tho
the white settles it down
I like dat
That is a mean shirt
I'll shop around a bit, thanks guys