ShipTheory Blocked, Firewall Rules and Definitely Automated Requests

Hello, thanks for taking the time to read. We've just migrated over to CloudFlare Pro after months of using Recaptcha on and off to block mass attempts of fraudulent transactions. I'm pleased to say its been amazing and stopped all the issues dead. One setting I am keen for us to enable is the "Definitely automated" under Security > Bots. However if we enable this it blocks ShipTheory's access to the API for Shipping Labels. This is despite Whitelisting all the IP's in and skipping all WAF components (see screenshot). If we enable Definitely automated it seems to take presdence over this Firewall Rule? Is that correct? I was hoping someone could give me some pointers on resolving this. One last point I'll add is - we get very limited feedback from ShipTheory when these errors occur, just the response status code.
Shiptheory Support
Failed to update Woocommerce. 403 error connecting to WooCommerce.
When booking in your WooCommerce orders through Shiptheory, you might get the below error: "Failed to update Woocommerce. 403 error connecting to WooCommerce." The reason this may be happing is that you have a firewall setup on your WooCommerce ...
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Anthony Shapley
Anthony ShapleyOP5mo ago
I did think that Only two rules, and this one is first. I'll go back to ShipTheory and ask them to make sure this list is up to date I can't seem to find any events relating to ShipTheory in these logs. I did check earlier and I've just ran all the IP's through the filter at the top -- nothing comes up for any of them.

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