How not to be scared of wearing overshirt?

I like overshirts and they always look cool on people and I wanna wear them. I feel exposed when wearing them considering that I can see my own cleavage and maybe my nipples too(I hate it being shown LOL and it's been the case with my innerwear unless I wear something over it) and that makes me anxious. I'm not insecure about my body but exposing my cleavage or nips is out of my comfort zone unless I'm going to the pool or something lol. If there are any suggestions for better innerwear or something that doesn't expose me. Thank you for the advice.
10 Replies
Can you define overshirt in the context of your question? My idea of an overshirt is a sort of shirt jacket, usually heavier than a regular button down, but lighter than a jacket—from this question I think that I may be thinking of the wrong thing Also am I reading this right that you’re uncomfortable because you can see your own cleavage or because you’re worried other people can see?
ArrowIsMineOP6mo ago
No description
ArrowIsMineOP6mo ago
Something like this. Since my singlets/tank top usually expose down to my top of my chest area.
carrion6mo ago
is a tshirt not an option?
That’s more of just a button down shirt that’s not buttoned You could button it? That’s an option My honest advice, and the advice I give to most folks that are uncomfortable wearing something more because of their body than the item: I think you have to look inward on this one, homie Other option would be a higher necked under shirt Crewneck, turtleneck, mockneck, etc
ArrowIsMineOP6mo ago
I wanna try the unbuttoned ones but thank you. I will try out these different kinds of inner shirts. Thank you. Look inward means?
To answer the root of your q: no one here is gonna be able to teach you how to not be scared of doing something. If you’re scared it’s inherently out of your comfort zone, which is okay. But if you wanna step outta that zone, that’s on you. The confidence is there you just gotta find it.
ArrowIsMineOP6mo ago
Ah ok. Thank you for explaining it to me. Since all my innerwear are just shirts worn for home use. I was more seeking to alternatives to those and you've already specified them here. Thank you so much!
zeometer6mo ago
only other thing i'll add is sometimes these feelings about our physical appearance are overblown. they're valid, but in my experiences other people care less about these sorts of things than we do. like warp/carrion said i'd look into different base layers but i'd also just wear it and see what happens. sometimes you get less scared by doing the scary thing, and if you do feel uncomfortable you can always button back up.
ArrowIsMineOP6mo ago
That's true. I think I could try to pull off the look despite the fear one day. Thank you!

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