Having 522 error with DNS hosting of Pages application?
Hello, recently for a client I have been hitting some 1000 errors with DNS but am resolving theses with a support case .. this lead me to realize that my personal website (which is set up very similarly, React SPA CI/CD linked to my github repo, sitting on a custom domain) has been hitting errors as well, albiet different. My Pages project is responding to deivces with a 522 HTTP error and I cannot determine why? This set up has been working for a few months and recently "went offline" with these issues. This occurs any time I am attempt to hit the root URL from the address bar of a browser, and also seems to result when accessed through search results as well). Places where the website is cached already respond just fine, which makes testing this far trickier as well.
My DNS setup is as is advised, CNAME record pointing to the pages domain of the project, another cname for
pointing to the root domain .. all A records seemed to be auto generated and i did not add them, along with some basic CNAME records for FTP, mail, etc. None of these CNAME records are being used by the project.
Any guidance or assistance or insight on this issue would be greatly appreciated! Thank you in advance! Can share DNS records privately if you're able to help me troubleshoot13 Replies
Screenshot your Pages DNS settings
And what's the domain
avantgov.club is the domain
And is root added to Pages custom domains?
Works for me no DNS cache - root resolves fine
www does not resolve due to not being added in custom domains
seems to be resolving ok globally
DNS Checker
DNS Checker - DNS Check Propagation Tool
Check DNS Propagation worldwide. DNS Checker provides name server propagation check instantly. Changed nameservers so do a DNS lookup and check if DNS and nameservers have propagated.
oh word? interesting that it works for you without a cache
ahhh, that makes sense. So i would need to setup another custom domain here for the www.avantgov.com ?
okay so i did so and in the complete DNS setup it says to add a CNAME for
with a domain of the Pages project ... but the results in an error on the DNS screen?oh wait, custom domain says its active now?
and just ran a test on a device and seems to be resolving now
do things also look good from your end? cna you still resolve the website?
root + www look good
Thank you so much!