coordination compounds

Why is NH3 not pairing the 2 unpaired electrons and make dsp2, isn't nitrogen strong field ligand
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13 Replies
iTeachChem Helper
iTeachChem Helper
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iTeachChem Helper
iTeachChem Helper
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animated person
animated person5mo ago
ammonia is a strong ligand, but it an be a weak one depending on the circumstances just like H20 is one of the strongest in weak field ligands, nh3 is one of the weak ones in SFL
phophor bronze
phophor bronze5mo ago
well you may study this under exceptional cases or limitations of VBT here NH3 behaves as weak ligand altho it is strong its case is similar to Ni(CO)4 where CO being the strongest ligand it still makes sp3
EmiyaOP5mo ago
Can cft explain this?
phophor bronze
phophor bronze5mo ago
yeah probably
iTeachChem5mo ago
we good?
EmiyaOP5mo ago
Hmm, should i just remember it as an exceptional case then?
Abhi4mo ago
@PeriodicTable ji your doubt got solved ?
EmiyaOP4mo ago
Yes yes +solved @phophor bronze @animated person
iTeachChem Helper
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