"email to websiteemails@[mydomain.xyz] not allowed"

Hi, so I'm trying to set up a contact form for my website using workers, i'm trying to send the email to websiteemails@[mydomain.xyz], it's throwing this exception:
email to websiteemails@[mydomain.xyz] not allowed
email to websiteemails@[mydomain.xyz] not allowed
is it just not possible? I have the email added to account's destination addresses, I don't see why it's failing
4 Replies
vreosdOP5mo ago
Pevey5mo ago
Are you trying to use the Mailchannels integration? If so, I believe that was deprecated and then turned off in June. You'll need to sign up with a provider like AWS SES, Sendgrid, Resend, etc.
vreosdOP5mo ago
I was trying to use cloudflare's builtin method as detailed in https://developers.cloudflare.com/email-routing/email-workers/send-email-workers
Cloudflare Docs
Send emails from Workers | Cloudflare Email Routing docs
You can send an email about your Worker’s activity from your Worker to an email address verified on Email Routing. This is useful for when you want to know about certain types of events being triggered, for example.
vreosdOP5mo ago
I ended up pivoting to resend which is fine, but i wasn't trying to use an outside service for this. It is what it is I suppose ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I still think this issue should be looked into as 1-I think someone else building something similar could run into the same issue and 2-I like the cloudflare solution than using an outside service

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