Worker code for workaround to redirect pages with multi-level paths

I've been trying to set up a redirect for a list of URLs with multi-level paths to another multi-level path through the GHL platform, this hasn't been working out so I am now trying a worker workaround in which I input the following code: addEventListener('fetch', event => { event.respondWith(handleRequest(event.request)) }) async function handleRequest(request) { const url = new URL(request.url) // Match specific paths or full URIs if ( url.pathname === '/collections/hoodies' url.pathname === '/collections/hoodies?page=1' url.pathname === '/collections/hoodies?page=2' || request.url === '' ) { // Redirect to the new URL return Response.redirect('', 301) } // If the request doesn't match, pass it through return fetch(request) } I am currently getting this error when visiting the worker page: There is nothing here yet If you expect something to be here, it may take some time. Please check back again later.
8 Replies
taylor•5mo ago
Hello! Are you running this Worker on or routed on a zone?
Valak JL
Valak JLOP•5mo ago
Hello! It is running on
taylor•5mo ago
So for " If the request doesn't match, pass it through", there is no origin for, so it is hitting the 404 page. What do you want that path to do?
Valak JL
Valak JLOP•5mo ago
I've been having issues using the redirect rules due to using GHL platform, which isn't allowing rederict to or from multi-level paths, I was advised to try a workaround on to do this. I am trying to redirect these paths: url.pathname === '/collections/hoodies' url.pathname === '/collections/hoodies?page=1' url.pathname === '/collections/hoodies?page=2' All from the same domain to this path: /products-list/collections/hoodies
taylor•5mo ago
The redirect should work correctly, it is the case of calling fetch(request) on without changing the url that will result in the 404 page.
taylor•5mo ago
For example, redirects with 301 to, whereas does fetch(request) and thus returns the 404 page. If you are trying to fetch the origin server of a website that you own, you may need to use a Route instead of
Cloudflare Docs
Routes and domains | Cloudflare Workers docs
Connect your Worker to an external endpoint (via Routes, Custom Domains or a subdomain) such that it can be accessed by the Internet.
taylor•5mo ago
Does that make sense?
Valak JL
Valak JLOP•5mo ago
Yeah, I'm trying to piece it together, I'm sorta new to this 😅 From what I see on the doc about routes I'd need to add a trigger event and route in the settings, right? Well... actually, I see on the doc it said Settings > Trigger > Route, but it seems it should be on Settings > Domains & Route > Route, right?

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