can i get banned for using this third party app?

there is a app called WAIUA which is shows ranks and skin inventory about team and opponent. Since i dont wanna get motherboard ban in a brand new pc, i am asking.
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13 Replies
Geniux6mo ago
VANGUARD Main6mo ago
:valExclamation: Riot does not offer an official list of which software, hardware, or other modifications may lead to ban. Riot is constantly working on trying to keep the game fair for all players. They stress that any modification that causes an unfair advantage for players, will lead to a restriction. Learn more below:
Geniux6mo ago
use it at your own risk, dont be surprised if you do get banned
Ryan6mo ago
for showing ranks I think Valorant Tracker is good but why would you want to see who have skins? sorry for this question
rikkaanOP6mo ago
to beg for it also some of the players doesnt know the app so i also enjoy trolling them
bingus 3000
bingus 30005mo ago
ive never heard of that but vry (valorant rank yoinker) does the same thing and i use it
Saucywan5mo ago
You sure you can see people skins? Because, according to my knowledge of the API, there is no such endpoint. There’s only one for the current user that is logged in. Meaning, if it does work, it’s using some suspicious shit And it is far more bannable than other apps
rikkaanOP5mo ago
yes im pretty sure about it
Saucywan5mo ago
I have found the source code And I was correct that it no longer works As the API ending it was using is deprecated
bingus 3000
bingus 30005mo ago
try valorant rank yoinker it shows vandal or phantom skins (your choice in config) i think and theres an external website that u can use to find someones entire collection and it uses the current api and stuff i think it also shows head shot percentage and level and stuff but those are a little scuffed sometimes
Saucywan5mo ago
I can't believe you are openly admitting to using TOS breaking software That's crazy with your riot account linked to Yoink thanks for the easy ban
homeless housewife
bingus 3000
bingus 30005mo ago
why is bro acting like a child also it uses api whats wrong with it bro acting like riot owner is gonna personally congradulate him for his recent findings on the valorant discord server they have been around for years with no complaints and follows tos i mean you cna modify it to make it against tos but thats a different story

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