VALORANT•6mo ago

Why do riot support smurf elo boosting?

why they state MMR system can replace smurf rank? this 12h play time account has 14mvp in a row with no rank reposition, no ban for elo boosting, 219 damage per round! why riot scam us about this?
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19 Replies
Geniux•6mo ago
smurfing isnt against the rules
sb•6mo ago
smurfing = more alt accounts = more accounts people buy skins on = money
me•6mo ago
Smurfing isn't against the rule, but boosting is. That said, it's hard to detect and enforce.
LukasBOP•6mo ago
its elo boosting, not only smurfing if 219damage per round in 12h playtime, with 14 mvp in a row, is hard to dectect, idk what is detectable from ur pov bro 🥲
LukasBOP•6mo ago
the boosting is going on and on
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LukasBOP•6mo ago
nice stat
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! a
! a•6mo ago
stop crying abt it n get better fr
LukasBOP•6mo ago
if cristiano ronaldo will join undercover an high school soccer tourney, we must say to the cryng teenagers, hey guys, stop cry, get good like, ur dumb or what
sb•6mo ago
mm okay whats your proposal to fix this problem?
JSN•6mo ago
Everyone complains, but nobody fixes :(
bingus 3000
bingus 3000•6mo ago
theyre just gonna rank up fast\ i had an alt cand i double ranked up all the way to plat within like 3 games of my placements its already hard enough to level up to level 20 to play comp (unless they buy an acc which is against tos) and lowkey low rank is hard cuz its so much different from ascendent and immortal and allat
dumb•6mo ago
219 damage per round is nothing for a major rank change you need atleast like an average acs of 400
me•6mo ago
playing well in a game isn't against the terms; the game has features to move good players to a higher skill group. boosting others is against the terms, though. And so is throwing matches to lower your mmr. anything else is kinda hard to do anything about.
LukasBOP•5mo ago
20 games from plat2 to diam1, is not that fast, is normal totally blind, 20mvp in a row, is not "playng well in a game"
ava•5mo ago
??? is it not?
bingus 3000
bingus 3000•5mo ago
looked like 6 from ur ss
Geniux•5mo ago
smurfing is okay, boosting is not
JSN•5mo ago
Smurfs mean more money
ava•5mo ago
i see i see

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