Team blocking in spawn

I'm new and I've had a couple games recently where my team will all stand around me in spawn as soon as the game starts and then I can't move or jump or anything. One game they would all use abilities on me and kill me/themselves or just stand there until the enemy team would walk to our spawn. Is there any way to escape once I'm surrounded? It has ruined two games for me so far
10 Replies
JSN6mo ago
Nope, just gotta find friends to play the next game with
ThstealOP6mo ago
Very difficult when you've only played a couple days to find others. Do you know if there's any character that would let me escape?
Spammer6mo ago
what gamemode?
Jidat6mo ago
Ngl never seen that happen to anyone
ThstealOP6mo ago
It was in unranked, I'm only level 11
Spammer6mo ago
Ah fair enough I've had it happen, but not for more than a few seconds Average unranked schenanigains
ThstealOP6mo ago
They were doing it all rounds until I left and reconnected, when I came back they were telling the other team to report me for something
Spammer6mo ago
ThstealOP6mo ago
I just had a message pop up saying that players I had reported were penalised for sabotaging games so it all worked out in the end. It's annoying but I'm glad the game does something about it
Suhas6mo ago
Yah same Im new to the game and had that ruin 7 games for me :/ What I did was that should help!

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