Modify existing FaceFusion template?
Is it possible to clone a template so that I can modify it? The template for FaceFusion Face Swapper and Enhancer is no longer being updated, and I’d like to modify it to use the updated code for version 3.0 from HuggingFace.
5 Replies
Hey, if you can find the code repository for the template sure, try googling on github or something else
then you can update it
but directly from templates? no..
if i can not find it?
or migrate to other template
I hope RunPod is OK with me sharing this info.
@DeanDid When exploring templates on RunPod website you can see the image name. With the image name you can pull the image into a system you control. Once you have pulled the image you can push it onto a repo you control. From there you can then use that image as a Base image in a new Dockerfile to create a new image, with your modifications. You can then use that modified image in a new template on RunPod.
thanks. I think they should give you +10 karma