New registar for website not loading.

I have two domains, one is working fine on my website through a proxy and the one I just registered this morning is throwing this specific error. Do I need to wait a certain period for the domain to be setup on the Cloudflare side? ERR_SSL_VERSION_OR_CIPHER_MISMATCH: when trying to access the CNAME This hostname is not covered by a certificate. Learn more. : on the CNAME in DNS
1 Reply
Chaika5mo ago
ERR_SSL_VERSION_OR_CIPHER_MISMATCH: when trying to access the CNAME This hostname is not covered by a certificate. Learn more. : on the CNAME in DNS
What's the url to this/are you still having this issue? This hostname is either too deep (universal only covers one level, ex: but not, or the universal is failing to issue/is disabled.
o I need to wait a certain period for the domain to be setup on the Cloudflare side?
Could take an hour or so for the domain to become activate/notice ns is pointing at it and then validate and issue the universal

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