I multiplied 8 with 8 factorial because zero 1st posi chord kr koi si bhi occupy kr skta hai. Is it the right thought que 15

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Konsa question?
k should be 8 right?
Each digit is used atmost once=one number left. This has to be 0 or 9. Now the remaining numbers can be arranged with:
1. 8.8! when zero is there
2. 9! if zero is not there
So, in total there are 17.8! ways
What bout the divisibility by 9 criteria ??
0+1+2+..+9 is divisibke by 9. These are 10 digits and you have to use 9. So, we can only remove 0 or 9 it, wht i missed
sweet. can you please close it out?
ohh i took divisibility criteria wrong. thanx
+solved @SirLancelotDuLac
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