Site freezes when reaching particular section
Can someone help me with my website?
I'm experiencing an issue where when I get to one particular section, the scroll just freezes and I don't know what to do.
Here's a link to the source code and the site itself:
-source code -> (HTML file);
-website ->
The issue seems to appear only on desktop and if it helps, I use AOS (Animate On Scroll).
Thanks in advance!
GitHub at main Ā· GeorgeDash/georgedash.git...
My personal portfolio created with HTML, Tailwind CSS and JavaScript (AOS - Animate On Scroll). - GeorgeDash/
10 Replies
It doesn't freeze for me. Tested on Firefox and Chrome on Mac.
The only issue I see is excessive "whitespace" but that is another matter.
Oh, OK, so it's maybe smth from my laptop.
And if you don't mind - what does "whitespace" mean?
whitespace = the space between the elements.
Having some space is good but, in my opinion, it is excessive.
For example the initial view only shows a small text in the center of the screen. There is nothing to indicate that there is any more content. You then have to scroll a lot to find anything else. Basically there is far too much space between the components.
However, this is only my opinion. Others might have a different view on this.

Yeah, I get it - I'll try adding smth up or at least make the text bit bigger.
Have a nice day!
Hey again!
So I decided to check the site again and I actually realized that if you click on the anchor link (About us) the "freezing" will occur.
Could you check this just one last time, please?
No freezing but I did see Rick
(missed that last time)
Oh, yeah, I decided to put it as a joke...
Sorry if I offended you!
not at all
Good bit of fun
OK, so that means it's just an issue of mine.
And also - do you like it more now?
I mean, the first "Hey there" section.
The sad thing is that I probably danced along to that when it first came out when I was your age š
Haha, I find myself sometimes dancing to it, too!