Message to riot.
This is the second message to riot games. Pretty please with a cherry on top rank me up to gold 3 as the one carrying my whole team in this cursed rank you guys call silver, i still cant believe i'm in this rank. I for one actually know how to play the game but these brain dead silver/bronze players don't even know how to plant the spike. It is very frustrating to me that i'm the one who has to put up with these teammates and i for one should not have to deal with there actions. BREAD
6 Replies
Riot, can you please triple rank me up to immortal. Iโve been struggling in this accursed ascendant hellhole. Iโve been dropping 40 kills each and every game but my team still decides to not even look at the enemy when getting shot at. In this mystical and mysterious world, I alone am the chosen one, that is why, I should be radiant number one. All these fodder players do not deserve to be in my presence. I am him.
can riot just make me, a bronze player a radiant man its just cause my teammates i swear
Dear mister Riot,
please make me lose my games. Iยดm just way too good for my ranked teammates but i keep giving them free wins. Please make it stop.
Future Radiant
Dear riot,
I am undoubtebly the best player there ever was, the only thing holding me back are my breaindead teammates. It is a sincere request that u promote me to radiant as i can't deal with these braindead people anymore. I always carry in every game but i get shit teammates. Thankyou.
Uh huhhh
Well being a good samaritan, here is a link for you all to plead your wishes to Riot.