so my friend bought a VALORANT GIFTCARD FROM USA
and my server is in EUROPE ( dubai to be exact ) and the currency in the shop is euro, but somehow the card he sent me which was in $ worked. so im genuinely curious if it works like that or not, or was it some sort of a glitch
24 Replies
giftcards are region locked
you should not be able to redeem an outside EU card in EU region
when i redeemed the card
it showed 25$
even though my account is in EU shard
@Saucywan explain this
Who provided the card was that an online provider or in person
it was my friend
he bought it for me
That wasn't what I asked
Where did the card come from

so are the cards not region locked?
Still again isn't what I asked
The card is not locked to NA
lets say
i send you a eu card link
and when you open it
amazon switches it
to your region
even the currency shows $ and not euro
i guess it just shows in what currency it was bought
oh okiee
is your friend rich?
he works at a space agency
will gbp work in eu?

like will this work
@blossomgarden if you're in dubai try and see if codashop is available for you, my region is in Egypt (europe) and prices on there are a lot better and I think that should also be for dubai? not sure but worth a try