
ADS glitch

When I ADS, then UnADS, it starts spamming automatically, making my screen zoom in and out at an extremely fast pace. As of right now, it’s only happening in the range. But I’m scared to go into a competitive queue and have this glitch occur. Can someone assist? Video will be be sent as a spoiler as it may cause epilepsy to photosensitive people due to it zooming in and out really fast. Please take a look though if you are not photosensitive. Thanks!
5 Replies
Can you try a Deathmatch?
hibiOP6mo ago
Yeah sure, give me a sec doesnt seem to work, thats so weird it might just be a wifi issue considering i have the worst ping in Canada
Idk how to help it tbh. It can happen with ping, it's even happened to me with ping thats only 120-200 so if its any worse i could imagine If it persists, you can try the default troubleshooting: Check Drivers Check conflicting keybinds in-game Third party software (ive had a guy have an autoclicker on before, just worth looking) Worst case, reinstall the game If the problem continues after that, youll have to find someone more knowledgeable than I
hibiOP6mo ago
Alright, thank you 🙏
No problem :ghostheart:

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