shared hosting problem

hey so im using shared nginx hosting for my html site, when i point my domain to (example ip) it displays the shared hosting website but my website has :30000 port and how do i make cloudflare work witouth showing the port :30000 since it only works if i do
5 Replies
MDev•6mo ago
set up a Cloudflared tunnel for that connection. Map public hostname (:443) to private :30000. I don't think its possible the default way. I even think what you've achieved should be impossible if your DNS record is proxied by cloudflare. Or maybe some reverse name and- or port-based proxy rules could do on your origin server! (Reverse proxy 443 public incomming to 30000 private locally) The correct way of handling this in shared hosting plans, which allows all websites on it to use the default ports is mostly reverse proxied name based. I don't understand why your shared hosting provider chooses this path of port mapping the websites instead..
HorizonOP•6mo ago
thanks ill test that out
MDev•6mo ago
Best of luck! Was i correct to assume that your DNS record for that domain is configured as DNS-Only / not proxied? Could be the reason why still worked i believe. If you proxy the record it shouldn't work anymore. Proxied dns record are a best practice on cloudflare. Makes sure these record are cloudflare protected 😉 But only default HTTP ports 80 and 443 would pass through
HorizonOP•6mo ago
yoooo i think this is it thanks yeah ofc since the ip changes but i have l7 ddos prot already so i dont really need cloudflare for that @Leo hey mind helping me just a bit in dms? im confused so sorry for disturbing i wanna share my ip so its easier on my end
Cyb3r-Jak3•6mo ago
Can you share what your confusion is? You shouldn’t need to share the IP for help with origin rules

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