Pls don't laughbut .... How can I improve my face ?
I don't know if it is something that only I see, if is more in my head than anything. But sometimes I feel like my face is too big, or it is weirdly shaped and I absolutely don't know how to fake smile.
I'm exercising almost everyday (lost 16kg) but I still feel weird
Should I change glasses, change my beard ? (I would like to avoid cuttinh my hair much, because I enjoy having longer hair).
My fits in the photos may be weird but just to showcase my face

7 Replies
I’m sorry, we don’t… really do that here. We don’t believe in making members feel like less than they are because of the way they look.
Clothes, sure! Unchangeable parts of yourself, not really.
Hair advice etc is different
i think we're often our harshest critics, being able to see and judge our reflection the most
ultimately either a) people don't really care as much as you think or b) someone does care enough to judge you negatively based on things you can't immediately change which: fuck them
Ya might just be feeling like you're in a rut.
Trying a new hairstyle, new accessories, new grooming routine, etc are all little things you can do to kinda get more in touch with what it is you want for yourself.
It can be easy to fall into a routine, but questioning if you love your hairstyle, facial hair, glasses, etc is one of the first steps to making conscious decisions about your appearance and addressing self esteem issues.
To go along with what Carrion has said i think intentionality can do alot to boost self confidence.
When i stopped just throwing clothes on and being more intentional with the way i dress it did alot to boost my confidence
putting yourself out there despite whatever discomfort you may be feeling can help too. 'fake it until you make it' is a cliche but it's true; sometimes you have to say 'this is how i want to face the world and if someone doesn't like it it's their problem' and eventually it sticks
If you’re unhappy with your hair but want to keep the length, have you talked to any hair stylists for opinions? Not sure if that would carry over for facial hair as well. Agreed it’s all in your head but trying something intentional might feel nice
Thats a great amount of weight loss, and you look fine dude!