Is there any plant to increase this message retention period ? (

Is there any plant to increase this message retention period ? (,4%20days,-(96%20hours)) 4 days is too low to build any serious application. for e.g. AWS SQS has a max retention period of 14 days. I thought it would be also increased during GA announcement.
15 Replies
Zack•6mo ago
Yea, kind of agreed on the above. Would be nice to be able to set 7 days at least. With 4 days, if you receive a failure on Friday, you basically only have Monday to pick it up and replay
princeMN•6mo ago
an•6mo ago
Can I let a queue message run in a specific colo/ region? any idea to achieve this
Unknown User
Unknown User•6mo ago
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tadhglewis•6mo ago
Working fine for me 🤔
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Unknown User•6mo ago
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pat•6mo ago
Hey fellows, I've got a really simple queues and d1 setup that is deployed as a worker. It is a consumer and a producer of the job that it handles. It basically uses the default wrangler.toml and I followed the tutorials on the respective page to set it up. The fetch just publishes a single event, the queue just logs it
export default {
async fetch(request: Request<unknown, IncomingRequestCfProperties<unknown>>, env: Env, ctx: ExecutionContext): Promise<Response> {
await env.aramDataCollectionQueue.send({
riot_puuid: "secret",
region: RegionGroups.SEA

return new Response("Success");

queue(batch: MessageBatch<CollectAramDataJob>, env: Env, ctx: ExecutionContext): void | Promise<void> {
} satisfies ExportedHandler<Env, CollectAramDataJob>
export default {
async fetch(request: Request<unknown, IncomingRequestCfProperties<unknown>>, env: Env, ctx: ExecutionContext): Promise<Response> {
await env.aramDataCollectionQueue.send({
riot_puuid: "secret",
region: RegionGroups.SEA

return new Response("Success");

queue(batch: MessageBatch<CollectAramDataJob>, env: Env, ctx: ExecutionContext): void | Promise<void> {
} satisfies ExportedHandler<Env, CollectAramDataJob>
I am trying to develop locally with bunx wrangler dev but when I go to the url it runs on it just hangs for a while with no error output. After a reasonable amount of time it will start lagging out my computer and starts spamming to console
[wrangler:inf] GET / 500 Internal Server Error (78202ms)
[wrangler:inf] GET / 500 Internal Server Error (78202ms)
I am very new to cloudflare in general but I couldnt find anything in the docs
Mateus Eduardo
Mateus Eduardo•6mo ago
hello help me, even though the batch size is 1 when I trigger a message in the queue with delay seconds of 5 minutes. After this time, this message is not sent to my consumer. Is it only triggered when I add another message to the queue?•6mo ago
How do I create a queue for a test env worker, and another queue for another worker in prod? I have a bit of confusion on how multi-env works in wrangler
No description
kian•6mo ago
[[env.???.queues.consumers]]/[[env.???.queues.producers]]•6mo ago
Nocapping thanks a lot kian
pao ramen
pao ramen•5mo ago
Hello! I have a very misterious bug with queues. I have a job that iterates a batch of 3 messages, but it only iterates 2 messages and then it never gets to the third:
export async function queue(batch, env) {
console.log({ messages: JSON.stringify(batch.messages) }) // This logs an array of 3 objects

for (const msg of batch.messages) {
console.log({ message: JSON.stringify(msg) }) // This only logs twice

try {
// things
} catch (e) {
console.error(`adjustUser error: ${e}`) // This never logs
export async function queue(batch, env) {
console.log({ messages: JSON.stringify(batch.messages) }) // This logs an array of 3 objects

for (const msg of batch.messages) {
console.log({ message: JSON.stringify(msg) }) // This only logs twice

try {
// things
} catch (e) {
console.error(`adjustUser error: ${e}`) // This never logs
This is my wrangler configuration
queue = "adjust-user"

queue = "adjust-user"
max_batch_size = 10
max_batch_timeout = 5
retry_delay = 600
dead_letter_queue = "failed-adjust-user"
queue = "adjust-user"

queue = "adjust-user"
max_batch_size = 10
max_batch_timeout = 5
retry_delay = 600
dead_letter_queue = "failed-adjust-user"
Any clue?
Saqib•5mo ago
Hey folks, I am trying to do some processing on queues, surprisingly they timeout after 60s inside the consumer. On the paid plan, currently testing locally. Any thoughts? It just stops processing no error, nothing.
toadfans•5mo ago
hello, is queue down now?

"name": "Error",
"message": "Queue send failed: Internal Server Error",
"stack": "Error: Queue send failed: Internal Server Error\n at async Object.mutation (bundledWorker-0.9232964110947641.mjs:9562:3)\n at async Object.handler (bundledWorker-0.9232964110947641.mjs:28094:17)\n at async o (bundledWorker-0.9232964110947641.mjs:4128:13)\n at async r (bundledWorker-0.9232964110947641.mjs:4210:92)\n at async o (bundledWorker-0.9232964110947641.mjs:4128:13)\n at async Object.handler (bundledWorker-0.9232964110947641.mjs:14535:28)\n at async o (bundledWorker-0.9232964110947641.mjs:4128:13)\n at async r (bundledWorker-0.9232964110947641.mjs:4210:92)\n at async o (bundledWorker-0.9232964110947641.mjs:4128:13)\n at async Object.handler (bundledWorker-0.9232964110947641.mjs:8361:42)"

"name": "Error",
"message": "Queue send failed: Internal Server Error",
"stack": "Error: Queue send failed: Internal Server Error\n at async Object.mutation (bundledWorker-0.9232964110947641.mjs:9562:3)\n at async Object.handler (bundledWorker-0.9232964110947641.mjs:28094:17)\n at async o (bundledWorker-0.9232964110947641.mjs:4128:13)\n at async r (bundledWorker-0.9232964110947641.mjs:4210:92)\n at async o (bundledWorker-0.9232964110947641.mjs:4128:13)\n at async Object.handler (bundledWorker-0.9232964110947641.mjs:14535:28)\n at async o (bundledWorker-0.9232964110947641.mjs:4128:13)\n at async r (bundledWorker-0.9232964110947641.mjs:4210:92)\n at async o (bundledWorker-0.9232964110947641.mjs:4128:13)\n at async Object.handler (bundledWorker-0.9232964110947641.mjs:8361:42)"
requestId: 8cfd3fdf8f3984b7
Lance•5mo ago
Hi, anyone encounters similar issue that queue's backlog just grows and no message is delivered to worker handler? Nothing changed from code side. It just suddenly happened a few hours ago.
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