Cloudflare ZeroTrust VPN not rsolving my Internal Hostnames.

Hi All, I'm having trouble when trying to resolve our Internal hostnames and it's being resolved publicly after even configuring the local domain fallback and adding our internal DNS IP Address within the Tunnel. From Inside the tunnel server, it can resolve my internal hostnames and can reach them. However, when I try to resolve it through my machine ( Windows 11 ) it keeps failing and resolving it publicly. Also, the split tunnels is not excluding any of the Internal hostnames and traffic should go through the WARP. I really need your help for this. let me know if you need more clarification
1 Reply
MDev•6mo ago
Sounds like your tunnel knows about hostnames/DNS but your local machine doesn't? I bet using the tunnel URL / not the local domain works just fine? Have you set-up the same DNS server on your local machine as on your cloudflared daemon? If all traffic should go through warp however than using the local DNS name is not advised, use the tunnel URL instead 😉 Now that i think about it WARP could also be the issue. Does it work as expected when WARP is disabled?

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