VALORANTā€¢4w ago

fan made characters

so like I made a bunch of fan made characters I'm gonna post once I make some proper lore for them and I was wondering once I did if someone could draw them but just ask for a description of them cause I'm not saying unless someone actually wants to draw them...
25 Replies
Bmoā€¢4w ago
ok lemme just do some stuff rq
Minimalā€¢4w ago
Bmoā€¢3w ago
code name: highlight real name: jace duelist abilities: E: bright barrier, equip or place a sheild made of hard light Q: shattered light, throw a disc thaf explodes after 2 seconds and blinds enemies C: sun jump, place down a pad at any angle to launch you into the air X: light speed, turn into a being made of light with super speed and infinite ablilities but only able to shoot lasers (wip) passive: tapping space mid air will create a platform to stand on wich can be used three times in air before needing to land again hold space to stay on that level of height and couch to stay stationary. he is invited to the protocol through a friend (will say person later). he is kinda and will beat up anyone who's bullying animals. he dislikes it when people disrespect him and he hates breach cause he's too loud :< Idk if a passive like that is too op so I can adjust it but I'll keep it like that for now WAIT UR PERFECT I actually rlly like that art style ur good
Minimalā€¢3w ago
not mine
Bmoā€¢3w ago
Minimalā€¢3w ago
Bmoā€¢3w ago
o unlucky :/ o well can u still draw?
Minimalā€¢3w ago
Bmoā€¢3w ago
same lol code name: timer real name: steven controller abilities: E: timed wall, when placed will only show the terrain no players on either side, can turn and be placed through walls Q: time redirect, use this on team mates, abilities, yourself or enemies after 15 seconds they will return to where they were 15 second ago even after dieing C: bullet wall, make a wall the lasts 5 second and stops bullets that hit it and keep them in place X: time stop, stop time in a curtain area (can also speed up their time for 15 seconds with the q) invited to the protocol by brim since he worked for kingdom and casually steals radianite so he can try and make more (ill wait till u realise what I mean by that) code name: barricade real name: Jayden Sentinel Abilities: E: throw down a disk and it will bounce off any wall forever until you activate it then it will make a wall the closest walls and you just go through it or over it (enemies cant) Q: throw down a disk that alarms you of enemies and stuns them, takes 15 hp C: throw down a disk that bounces around when activated you will teleport to it X: get a hover board and ride around with it while having tps every 6 seconds passive: he can climb his walls invited to protocol cause he decided to break into the hq and ask if he can join. they couldn't stop him cause he'd start walking through his walls
Ravenā€¢3w ago
:beegeyes: jk im probably too lazy for that my val oc is a light based power too. neat idea :beegsmile:
Bmoā€¢3w ago
w? I have over 10 characters
Ravenā€¢3w ago
Bmoā€¢3w ago
3 wouldn't make sense in valorant tho
Ravenā€¢3w ago
my brain could never
Bmoā€¢3w ago
it's all I think of I'll send them but gotta do some stuff about em first
Ravenā€¢3w ago
if i had to draw 10 character i'd kms
Bmoā€¢3w ago
I cant draw so like yeah.... but I could try to 3d model em would be easier imma count them
Ravenā€¢3w ago
sir yessir šŸ«”
Bmoā€¢3w ago
there's 18 :/
Ravenā€¢3w ago
holy cow i mean i can try if im not lazy but i suck asses :ho:
Bmoā€¢3w ago
ok Code name: Smoke Screen Real name jay herum Duelist Abilities: E: Dash (can also go through walls) Q: Pulse orb (like satchel but dif and go through walls) C: Nano bots (like sova drone but multiple and can blind) Ult phantom mode (can blind by clicking on someone and its phantom) maybe could phase throw walls as a passive but for like a few seconds ok so like for the q ability its an orb you place down that when activated will pulse pushing everything away at the same speed only this character will go through walls tho. it also pulses multiple times
Blaze_772ā€¢3w ago
make it an ability
Bmoā€¢3w ago
that's fair we could replace the drones
Blaze_772ā€¢3w ago
Im talking about highlight I think you should make his passive an ability like replacing the jump pad one
Bmoā€¢3w ago
but why or make it the Dash ability and then make the dash like a click for that ability ok so like this one is like actually game breaking and if they added characters made by fans this is probs one of my four stretches I got Code name: bite Real name: oliver tidy Duelist Abilities: E: spider, transform into a giant spider, e to place webs in and way, q to grapple walls or ppl like a trip wire, c to activate multiple eyes x to transform back also can walk on walls Q: kraken, dissapear in water, e to squert ink, q to bite, c to grab, also can walk on walls, x to transform back C: giant snake, e to shoot venom, q to glide, c to grab in mouth, can climb most surfaces, x to transform back X: dragon, hold click to shoot fire, e to shoot gust of wind pushing anyone infront backwards, q to fly, c to stomp making everyone in curtain radius go in the air, x to transform back but he cant use guns while transformed and they can't actually attack unless the ability does dmg krakens rlly only good if it was on lotus or breeze and ony for 1 site on each map also the creatures aren't rlly big nore small like the size of a child but the kraken and dragon are big the snake is like a hybrid of a flying snake, giant anaconda and snake that shoots venom and he's got a bar like neon that he gets like a timer for transforming but it goes back to 100 once killing someone code name: feather real name: Kaze duelist abilities: E: fly, when right click you will Dash down when you hit a player they will get damaged and it will send Smoke around you, left click to shoot a barrage of feathers Q: hurl, hurl a gust of wind in every direction can also get rid of smoke C: cover you body with your wings like a sheild from bullets, left click for sheild right click for ball which you can roll around in X: gain another pair of wings and fly faster sheild for longer, shoot more feathers and hurl a gust further how btw flying also has a bar like neons ad it gets doubled to 200 once ulted Code name: dune Real name: lia mentio Controller Abilities: E: sand wall, make a wall of sand that can't be walked through and lasts for 14 seconds and can be curved Q: sand eyes, throw a large wall of sand at an area anyone how walks through it gets blinded C: quick sand, small circle that sticks anyone in it, the more they move the more they get slowed X: deserted, put everyone in a desert and the enemies will have slowness and you can shift the
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