Breaking Changes in Worker Name Resolution

I have workers with names that start with a UUID-like segment (e.g., abcd1234-worker). These workers were functioning as expected until this morning. Now, when I attempt to open the worker URL (e.g., abcd1234-worker.[accountname], Cloudflare responds with “There is nothing here yet.” I suspect Cloudflare is attempting to resolve this as a deployment version (abcd1234) of a worker named worker, rather than resolving the full worker name (abcd1234-worker). If the first segment doesn’t match the UUID-like pattern (8 characters, a-z0-9), then the worker url resolves correctly. if I access the deployment URL directly, it works fine. Everything was working yesterday, but as of today, none of my workers with this naming pattern are resolving correctly. Is this a bug or an intentional change in behaviour? Was there any announcement regarding this breaking change?
1 Reply
tanushree │ Workers PM
Thanks for reporting. We found the bug and we're getting it fixed + rolled out

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