@Eric Vectorize dynamic bindings are coming hopefully in Q1. I believe Cloudflare can increase the

@Eric Vectorize dynamic bindings are coming hopefully in Q1. I believe Cloudflare can increase the number of indexes limit on an account basis too.
15 Replies
Akanbi6mo ago
Cindy thud
Eric6mo ago
Who's Chindy thud?
Rubi6mo ago
Is there any way to export Vectorize data? I want to migrate to another provider hi, is the new deployed?
uri6mo ago
hi, there is an option to backup and restore indexes? also, vectorize limit to the number of indexes one can create? I noticed on this page "https://developers.cloudflare.com/vectorize/platform/limits/" that the current limits are 100 indexes and 1,000 namespaces. While this might be sufficient for testing, it's far from enough for production use. Are there any plans to scale these limits—at least by a couple of orders of magnitude? Something closer to 1,000,000 or more would be ideal. I want to building my SaaS around 'Vectorize' as I really like the platform. However, with the current limitations in place, if these are expected to remain for the foreseeable future, I won't be able to use it for my needs. Additionally, dedicated functions or tools for backup and restore are essential for anyone looking to use this platform in production environments. Could someone provide insight into the current roadmap for 'Vectorize' in terms of limitations and development? What can we expect in the near future?
RihanOP6mo ago
With terminology, are Vectorize indexes and databases exchangeable terms, or are indexes the preferred way to refer to them?
No description
RihanOP6mo ago
This is on Pages -> Settings -> Bindings -> Add -> Vectorize database
Ashley6mo ago
Is the billing page broken? I clicked view next to monthly usage on the Vectorize dashboard and I get an oops page 😅
echoes2216mo ago
Remix + Cloudflare - running wrangler types generates the correct vectorize types, however the proxy stub doesn't exist in the loader (cloudflareDevProxyVitePlugin). Is this due to beta?
const {
context: { cloudflare },
} = args;

if (!cloudflare.env.VECTORIZE) { // <-- doesn't exist
console.log("no key");
const {
context: { cloudflare },
} = args;

if (!cloudflare.env.VECTORIZE) { // <-- doesn't exist
console.log("no key");
sathoro6mo ago
can the 1,000 namespaces per index limit be easily increased? we use Pinecone but was looking at using Vectorize for a new feature and this limit is really putting us off
Rubi6mo ago
yes, vectorize is currently not available on local
echoes2216mo ago
Thanks for the update!
Jerome6mo ago
We're currently working on supporting local binding for vectorize, hopefully completed this month :soontm:
echoes2215mo ago
That would be great, thank you. In the meantime I’m generating embeddings using workers ai, then storing them in pg vector / querying in Postgres, seems to work well enough!
uri5mo ago
what is "local binding for vectorize" mean?
Ashley5mo ago
For a lot of Cloudflare products, you can use a similar version of the product locally. So when you run “wrangler dev”, the binding still works, so you can run/test locally - for Vectorize, that isn’t available yet, so you have to run it remote to test it (either deploy, or wrangler dev remote)

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