Difference between Static Assets and Pages?

Hi. I just noticed a Static Assets option in Cloudflare Docs, and I fail to see practical difference between the two. There is a page https://developers.cloudflare.com/workers/static-assets/compatibility-matrix/ that shows the difference in avaliable features, but it still doesn't explain how are two products different specifically. Like for example, if I have a Nuxt3 SSR app with bindings for R2, can't I just use both? Pages also support SSR via Pages Functions. So what's the difference here?
Cloudflare Docs
Workers vs. Pages (compatibility matrix) | Cloudflare Workers docs
Compatibility matrix for asset hosting on Cloudflare Workers and Pages.
1 Reply
tanushree │ Workers PM
Broader theme is we’re working on bringing Workers and Pages closer together so you don’t have to make this decision in the future. In order to do this, we’re bringing key Pages functionality Workers to workers — static assets, preview URLs, CI So yes, you can use both. The matrix outlines some features differences between them that exist today. Eg. If you want to export logs for your SSR application — Workers supports Logpush while Pages doesn’t

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