Connecting Two Servers with zero-trust
I have successfully implemented zero trust using Cloudflare Tunnel for a server without a public IP address. Now, I'd like to connect two servers in a zero-trust manner without using a domain.
My setup:
Server 1: Public IP
Server 2: Behind NAT, no public IP
I need Server 1 to send small, infrequent requests to Server 2.
What is the most efficient (as in fast & easy to implement/setup) way to achieve this using Cloudflare Tunnel, considering the lack of a domain?
The Documentation mostly mentions the usecase of Server 1 being a User
1 Reply
Dupe of, generally same advice cept if it's http requests you could go tunnel and public hostname on server 2: behind an access policy requiring a service token: and then include it in requests from server 1 in header
Cloudflare Docs
Service tokens | Cloudflare Zero Trust docs
You can provide automated systems with service tokens to authenticate against your Zero Trust policies. Cloudflare Access will generate service tokens that consist of a Client ID and a Client Secret. Automated systems or applications can then use these values to reach an application protected by Access.