I bought a domain on cloudflare but there is no option to register the hosting name servers

I bought a domain on Cloudflare but there is no option to register my ionos hosting nameservers on cloudflare. I investigated and they say that you have to register a type A record with the IP of the website. But in ionos hosting there is only one IP for all websites. I use plesk. can you help me please?
12 Replies
Radoš6mo ago
Then put that IP as a A record. Probably they have a proxy that will know that the request goes to that site. Same way as Traefik or Caddy works. You can verify that with your hosting provider just to be 100% safe.
wotan6891OP6mo ago
I already asked my hosting but they don't know. The IP that Plesk gives me is for all the websites I have there. There is no IP for a specific website. Can I enter the ionos hosting server names in Cloudflare? and have cloudflare behave like a normal logger.
Chaika6mo ago
CF Registrar Domains can only use Cloudflare Nameservers. You'd have to find the specific A/AAAA/etc records to add to use with Cloudflare.
The IP that Plesk gives me is for all the websites I have there. There is no IP for a specific website.
If that's what your other websites resolve to that's probably the one you want to use. Modern hosts uses Shared IPs and then serve different content based on the requested website
Radoš6mo ago
How they do not know. WTF 😄 I would switch hosting in the first place.
MDev6mo ago
@wotan, carefully copy DNS records of ionos over to cloudflare and all should start working again. Cloudflare won't allow you to change NameServer settings but DNS should do just fine no? Make sure the (sub)domains on the pointed to webserver/IP addr. are active and points to a valid document root folder as well, good luck!
wotan6891OP6mo ago
hello example: I use ipv4.bealivek.uk. - the ip and is type A the record. I attach a photo of dns in plesk. but in cloudflare, I put that data, but only ipv4 remains. So how does Cloudflare know what the domain website is? since there are more sites in plesk.
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MDev6mo ago
Yes, DNS records are applied that way on cloudflare at the site level. So in cloudflare for site: bealivek.uk, you make an A record: ipv4 - IP addr - TTL
wotan6891OP6mo ago
Will my other websites hosted on Plesk, and which have the same IP, be affected?
MDev6mo ago
No, only the site on cloudflare and its DNS settings will be affected 😉
wotan6891OP5mo ago
hello. How do I create a subdomain in Coudflare? I can't find how to do it in the cloudflare panel.
Tomgie5mo ago
Create an A record with the name as the subdomain that you want
David Wang
David Wang5mo ago
So how does Cloudflare know what the domain website is? since there are more sites in plesk.
Cloudflare doesn't. All it does is point the domain to that ip, once the web traffic gets to whatever is behind that IP, the server sees what domain was typed in and routes the traffic accordingly. It's the same principle of a reverse proxy, whcih you can read about if you want.

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