mfad6mo ago

Ralph Lauren Shiny Puffer

Do guys think this jacket is too long or wide/ should I buy size M instead of L?
7 Replies
ler6mo ago
I would absolutely not go smaller than this
seth6mo ago
size looks good. you're posing a little stiff so it's hard to get like a good good picture but yeah def not smaller
BurakOP6mo ago
Okay thanks considering that I completely stopped going to the gym and only doing mma now -> I will likely loose mass should I still stay on L? Right now im on 93kg and 186cm
zeometer6mo ago
buy for the size you're at currently you can always layer a hoodie or sweater underneath if you lose that much mass (which i'm not all that sure would happen)
rej6mo ago
Fwiw you're about my size and I'd usually take an XL. You want to be able to put your coat over stuff, so I wouldn't go any smaller
ler6mo ago
it looks snug enough that if you lose mass it will still fit. You don't want to be bursting out of your winter coat.
BurakOP6mo ago
Im Wearing a half zipper in m from pull and Bear underneath in the Video But still thanks guys I will Stick to L

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