Error 500 on Commit API v2
I am trying to commit a liveboard from one branch to another.
Here is the code I'm using:
Here is the error I'm getting
Failed to commit. Status code: 500
The overall flow is I'm:
- Getting a bearer token from
- Using the Commit endpoint Replies
And if you try to achieve the same via Developer Section (not via your script), is it working?
There are a few things you need to take care of before hitting git/branches/commit api. Please checkout
Configure Git integration
Configuring the Git integration for a ThoughtSpot instance
Sorry i get the same error in the playground
just on a call and then ill take a proper look at this doc
yes sure, even after following the doc you get into some trouble, let us know.
I think in need to refine my problem, I am just doing a proof-of-concept
How can I hit this endpoint successfully, I have a dev/main branch on my Git and Thoughtspot is connected as per docs.
I think im missing the mapping file, ill try add that