what do you mean by widget settings?

what do you mean by widget settings? like the cloudflare turnstile dashboard where you manage your widget? I do have the following domains added (could not add about:blank or about:srcdoc, the UI doesn't allow me to)
localhost,, challenges.cloudflare.com, staging.<url>.com
localhost,, challenges.cloudflare.com, staging.<url>.com
but I'm still unable to develop on my local app simulator and get an Invalid domain error
3 Replies
ilonksOP6mo ago
for more details, I have been able to get this to work on my website - both developing on localhost and on our staging website. However, I'm unable to get a valid domain for my mobile app (which is using react native and a react native webview to display turnstile). I followed the guidelines to add originWhitelist on the webview. Do you know if there's any special domain that would need to be added for an app vs my website? also for more details, I'm loading html in the webview directly like source={{ html: turnstileHTML }} so I believe the domain would be about:blank, but I can't add that to the domain in the widget -> when I enter it, it doesn't allow me to select it as a domain
ilonksOP6mo ago
I have these added, but if I also have to add about:blank or about:srcdoc, it doesn't allow me to. do you know what specific domains need to be added? (I'm developing locally)
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ilonksOP6mo ago
It works for me on web localhost though? so are you saying I need to host turnstile on a website and then load that into the webview in my app? instead of defining the html in the app?

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