Cannot open kde system settings, segmentation fault
After a recent topgrade, KDE's system settings fails to open at all. I change my wallpaper by right clicking on the desktop, but it's just a paired down system settings instance that only lets me change my wallpaper. Can also open a few other standalone settings like kcm_touchpad with commands like
kcmshell6 kcm_touchpad
, but again, those are limited to only those specific setting pages.

25 Replies
I remember I faced issues with apps like this because of some customization I did, global themes and GDDM and such, it showed me something like "could not find X installed"
It's bazzite tho so you shouldn't worry i think, there are ways to go back before the upgrade
In grub you have the os.tree 1 entry which is the previous one
Also I think you can manually take a previous commit (I'm a noobie at rpm-ostree but I do know git)
This is still happening to me. According to journald, I get a big stacktrace, and the following two messages about the crash:
if i launch it through console, this is all I get:
and this is the kcrash.. took a long time to load and gdb used like 8gb of memory lol
So, I can open it with
sudo systemsettings
just fine:
that is, it opens just fine. Not sure what those errors are about
i can also open it in a container just fine (tried bazzite-arch, worked fine) here's a ujust device-info
It looks like upgrade has gone wrong and somehow just either missed files or just broke something
What about doing this?
Just looked online and this seems similar to your issue
ill try purging some files there later and see what happens
I tried selectively deleting all kinds of folders and files in
and it's still not opening. Gonna try completely emptying .config
next and see what happens
I did make a backup, so I can easily restore it if need be
Nope, still won't opentry .local/share too
some kde setting are in there
Try a new profile if it still doesn't open then something went really wrong with the update otherwise it should be something in your home directory related to plasma config stuff you could reset that
Maybe try upgrading kde on a virtual machine, same exact upgrade with the same settings/theming as you had before and see if that fails
Ive had worse issues than yours on nvidia with kde and I switched to gnome, wouldn't say it was flawless but significantly less issues, so you can try gnome perhaps to see how it is on a virtual machine
And if you install kde for a second time I would suggest, if you theme it, to use themes that are relaltively popular with a high downloads
I know that themes can run system wide scripts on your machine so it might change other things (SDDM theming broke the login screen on my machine for example)
I only use breeze lol
I have no custom themes or anything
Just.. stock kde
any suggestions of what I should try deleting?
probably start with systemsettingsrc file
renaming it should work
append .bak or something
there isnt one
in folder
yeah, that folder is empty

not sure then
try something with plasma or kde in it
thats the backup i made before i started deleting stuff.. I tried deleting everything kde and plasma related and systemsettings still won't open
hmm, no idea then
well, i didn't delete keyrings, because i think i probably need that, and it's pretty unlikely that's the cause lmao
There.. nuked all kinds of things in .local/share, nuked the entire .config folder.. let's see
Oh and I did that in TTY that I opened before even logging into the user, so maybe that'll do something
Lol nope, system settings still won't open
I'm so confused
Umm.. is there a way I can try to reinstall kde plasma or something?
Have you tried clearing your .cache folder? I've found that can solve all sorts of weird errors
Maybe ststemsettings got broken? Though idk why I'd still be able to open it with sudo but not as a user
Hmm.. I'll give that a try
sure enough, just renaming
to .cache.bak
(and the same with the Cache
folder) and now it works like nothing ever happenedcache is the first place to clear lmao
thank you so much @wolfyreload ❤️
i will keep that in mind..
Good news. That that helped 😊