Improve my already good aim.
I've been grinding in the range to improve my aim but though it is very good already I want to make it even better. any tips? below is a clip of one of my practicing sessions. Thanks
11 Replies
if you practice with the spectre then youre not gonna improve your aim
I would suggest looking up aim routines and finding one that resonates with you.
^^ and be realistic, dont search up some "instant radiant" routine and expect drastic results
also is my sens too high?
I'm on 1.25 1600dpi
my friends told me it's too high but as u can see in the clip i aim pretty well with it
so idk if to change it or not
for reference my sens is 0.39 800 dpi
and most people consider that high
To clarify even more, it’s important to find a aim routine that yields noticeable results and stick with it. This goes for sensitivity settings. Find a sens that feels good and stick to it. Continually changing settings like sens reduces your body’s ability to gain muscle memory.
This has to be a troll post
True I'm at 0.22 800dpi and it's OK I guess ...
GOAT sens