Sorry for the question, I was searching
Sorry for the question, I was searching for help respect a problem I have with my IP and it seems that Cloudflare is involved, is there a channel where I can get any help with it? or it is mandatory to send an email to the company?
7 Replies
Are you talking about getting a block page on a site that is using Cloudflare?
yes thats the problem
in this case in the launcher and the page of battlestates game
In that case you have to contact the support of the company. You should send the ray-id of the block message so they can check their logs
you mean the error name?
like "Suspicious behavior. CF-RAY: 8c7596fdcf188ba8-LPB"
thats the message of the launcher but in the website is the typical "Sorry, you have been blocked"
CF-RAY: 8c7596fdcf188ba8-LPB
ok, thanks you a lot, I will send the report to the support of the company.
If they come back and say that it is Cloudflare (which some companies have done). Send them it tells them how to lookup the logs for the ray id
Cloudflare Docs
Cloudflare Ray ID | Cloudflare Fundamentals docs
A Cloudflare Ray ID is an identifier given to every request that goes through Cloudflare.