That’s minification, not compression

That’s minification, not compression
3 Replies
nextify6mo ago I found in the documentation that Cloudflare will automatically compress, and the built dist file will not apply compression. So my question is, how can I view the final compressed size?
next-on-pages/packages/next-on-pages/docs/ at main · cl...
CLI to build and develop Next.js apps for Cloudflare Pages - cloudflare/next-on-pages
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Hello, I’m Allie!
That afaik is asset compression, not compression for the server script. For seeing compressed size, I would run wrangler pages deploy —dry-run
nextify6mo ago
wrangler pages deploy --dry-run Proxy environment variables detected. We'll use your proxy for fetch requests. ✘ [ERROR] Unknown arguments: dry-run, dryRun It looks like this is not supported in pages temporarily, this is a worker command. Where am I going wrong?

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