Broken symlink on ntfs mount linux
I've recently had some problems with my windows partition, where I've used onedrive
I figured I might just mount it to linux to copy the files from that drive
But it seems like that folder was a symlink that cannot be opened
Weirdly, I've had a second onedrive account it mounted just fine and I can access files there
This one specifically since it was "OneDrive for Business" uses symlink for the files
I mounted using this command
sudo mount -o rw -t ntfs-3g /dev/nvme0n1p3 /mnt/ntfs
(the partition I validated, is correct, I also tried to mount as readonly too)
Any idea how to fix this issue?5 Replies
Hey any chance someone knows something about this issue?
One drive uses a "download on demand" feature. So the files might show in Windows but not actually be available for offline use. You might be able to get around this by setting One drive to make all files available for offline use, download all of them and copy them over.
Alternatively, you can use a onedrive app for Linux called, it works well enough on Ubuntu but I haven't tried it in Bazzite
You won’t be able to follow symlinks made in another OS as well.
If you’re bold enough, you can try to find out where that link points to and make a new one on the Linux side to go to the same path. It’s probably a bad idea though
Yeah that's what's annoying, I disabled it, and now since windows died I can only boot Linux from my other drive, mounted the drive and that's what I ser
I tried that too, "unsupported reparse tag 0x9000701a"
Yup windows does recognize this, I can't seem to understand that symlink though, like why would gnome not be able to parse it
because Windows and Linux have different interpretations of file paths
Windows understands
while Linux expects /home/user/folder/stuff/path