Just made this thumbnail u guys would click?
wanted to know if you guys liked the pose I made and the txt. I didnt use photoshop like a normal person whipped it up in adobe express bc why not anyways tell me what I should work on/ improve with this

18 Replies
hmm maybe make it seem like she's holding the gun if possible
I liked the hovering mag bc it was kinda cool to include her abilities in the design
I just had the rest of the gun behind her so it was sorta like she was controlling her weapon to come to her or something like that with the wind
if you want to convey that, you should add some wind effects
the model looks a bit eh
maybe make it look like its actually there a bit more
make the model further back possibly
add better lighting in the background
make it lighter
The guns literally just floating, the hand and mag is just- weird
Like why is the hand like that and the mag almost touching the middle finger?
Also the rendering is kinda eh imo
(Take this as you will, all I'd say is just change the rendering and edit some of the positions)
Would click
Thanks I’m brand new to this lol. Taking this up to get better with posing as I own a game dev company team and I wanna learn a bit more and more over time
maybe bigger words! they would be more eye catching
I'd say get rid of the words, and just make it all caps so it's more noticeable, but there's more thumbnail to see
Or make the font more like the valorant font
Either one works
Put the words on top so its more noticable, or its just me too lazy to look downwards to read it 😄
theres too many shadows on her face
a more action like pose would draw more attention I think
the lighting looks kinda off? and it would be cooler if she was holding the gun with her left hand to make it look like she's mid reload while the mag is floating in the other hand, as well as some sort of wind affects around the mag! also, the background makes the focal point of the thumbnail (jett) seem to blend in, so making it lighter or adding a color layer on top with a white or light red at low opacity could make it better. some thumbnails I've seen with a similar look add some sort of outline around the focal point, so jett and the gun, to make it stand out more! try out a bunch of things, I just think mostly jett gets lost in the background and there's too much to look at like a cinematic scene, whereas a thumbnail should be quick to the point and drag the viewers attention
definitely take a look at thumbnails with a similar feel to get some inspiration, but don't copy them ofc
the lighting looks off because the background has a back overhead lighting and she has a front right lighting
yeah that'd be it 😭
yeah but why is jet oiled up lol