agent concept - Aalia

I have no idea if i should continue her and make her a torso n sprite but anyways heres how she looks like Shes from india and shes a traditional dancer Her abilities 1. Pushover She throws like a harbor wall but instead of a wall it blows the enemies away shese wields wind powers 2. Cant see me? Aalia fans herself and goes invisible for 2 seconds (shootable tho shes not invincible 3. Star dance Aalia can heal herself or her teammate for 80 health 4. Outer shell Aalia revives a dead teammate but dies herself and u play as her soul (increased speed shooting, movement and reload)
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18 Replies
ogfitooo4mo ago
hell nah
boba4mo ago
please tag as ai when you use ai to generate it...
fish with a top hat
pocket sage ❌ pocket aalia✅
boba4mo ago
1. interesting concept, would be interesting to see it happen in game 3. that's just sage but slightly more op... sage heals for 30 on herself and 100 on allies 4. again sage, but more op (?)
MisterM0n5ter3mo ago
interesting concept, but i feel like you only made one original ability, took another yorus ult and nerfed it, then took sages heal and ult and buffed em
bruh3mo ago
sage on crack
RadiumEater3mo ago
too op would need balancing
pumpokin3mo ago
Maybe restoring teams shields?
zoid3mo ago
the idea sucks this aint league bro
Bmo3mo ago
the first ability is like my winged character
Jolly Gibus Mr.Rynxer
minectaft valorant
rinny3mo ago
is this stolen? I saw someone post the same exact concept with better detail
goreckiOP3mo ago
Show proof
boba3mo ago
I find it funny how none of the other messages are replied to except this
rinny3mo ago
I cant find it anymore but i swear ive seen all these abiliti concepts somehwere except pushover
goreckiOP3mo ago
what do i even say LMAO yeah cuz healing and going invisible are so original that i had to steal them girl bfr
boba3mo ago
Ok well first off, you should tag ai as ai
rinny3mo ago
No thats not what i mean the names and the little info you gave for them ive sene somehwere else

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