Discover Overlay not working

I cant even see it when I press show test content. I can remember that it worked one time, but when I wanted to change the shape of the avatars (along with some other stuff like font size and such), it just stopped working. Im on the deck image btw, with a Polaris card, but I hope thats not the problem... Is there any way I can reinstall the whole thing?
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15 Replies
NotQfThisWorldOP6mo ago
and for whatever reason, I seem to have two different configuraton apps? One on version 0.7.8 and one on 0.7.2:
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NotQfThisWorldOP6mo ago
And the one in the discover store says that it is installed, but there the version is 0.7.7:
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HikariKnight6mo ago
uninstall the flatpak version you have installed its included on the image supports the official discord client, if you use other clients it is not supported unless they support the official discord rpc (other discord rpcs like arpc are not supported IIRC) as it works for me
NotQfThisWorldOP6mo ago
Ok, I'll try it now I deleted the flatpak version of discover, but it still doesnt work. I cant remeber ever installing another discord client, so the one I have is the one that came with bazzite
HikariKnight6mo ago
we dont include discord, its in the portal though
NotQfThisWorldOP6mo ago
Yeah, that's probably what I meant :)
HikariKnight6mo ago
did you make sure you did the workaround to get rpc working on the flatpak discord?
HikariKnight6mo ago
Rich Precense (discord rpc)
Contribute to flathub/com.discordapp.Discord development by creating an account on GitHub.
NotQfThisWorldOP6mo ago
"The work is already done in the Discord Flathub package, this is meant for application who want to talk to Discord." Isn't the discover overlay that bazzite provide not flatpak? Or am I missing something?
HikariKnight6mo ago
yes but it still tries to talk to discord so it needs the rpc to work
NotQfThisWorldOP6mo ago
Ah, now I see. Sorry I'll see what I can do :)
HikariKnight6mo ago
try and see if setting up that tmp symlink fixes the issue (might require a discord and discord overlay restart once made) as discord overlay works for me
NotQfThisWorldOP6mo ago
do I just copy pase that first command in the link you sent? the permanent one I mean I tried the permanent fix, but it still doesnt work. But even if that was the problem (that discord couldnt talk withdiscover), shouldt the testdummy count thing still work? I gtg now sadly, but let me know what I can do next time im online :)
HikariKnight6mo ago
mkdir -p ~/.config/user-tmpfiles.d
echo 'L %t/discord-ipc-0 - - - - app/com.discordapp.Discord/discord-ipc-0' > ~/.config/user-tmpfiles.d/discord-rpc.conf
systemctl --user enable --now systemd-tmpfiles-setup.service
mkdir -p ~/.config/user-tmpfiles.d
echo 'L %t/discord-ipc-0 - - - - app/com.discordapp.Discord/discord-ipc-0' > ~/.config/user-tmpfiles.d/discord-rpc.conf
systemctl --user enable --now systemd-tmpfiles-setup.service
NotQfThisWorldOP6mo ago
Yeah, that one

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