Origin DNS Error
Hi, this website: https://worker-little-bread-2c2f.wqwmiuvxws.workers.dev/ has been under dns error for 24 hours. this isn't my website but how long will it take for the site to be up again as there are many things from it i would like to have access too.
4 Replies
A google of this workers looks like its proxying piracy so likely never
dang... the site was so amazing this sucks
thank you for ur help tho
That error shows the worker is running fine but it was proxying requests/fetching
, which is dead because it looks like that entire domain expired today
Created On: 2023-09-18 00:15:36 Last Updated On: 2024-09-18 17:00:25 Expiration Date: 2024-09-18 23:59:59 Status: okanyway something you'd have to ask the site operator for more info on
can i please message you personally?