I was a dumbass with tunnels

I followed along with a setup for cloudflare tunnel on home assistant, and was using a domain I have for a webpage. When I put in the domain and the app created a tunnel it took over the main webpage. I should have paid more attention. I deleted the tunnel and the APIs it created but I still get a DNS error on the website and nothing seems to have changed on the DNS records for the site. Thoughts on where I should look?
2 Replies
Chaika6mo ago
It replaced whatever record was there before with a CNAME. You can use Audit Log to get the old record back: https://developers.cloudflare.com/fundamentals/setup/account/account-security/review-audit-logs/ (and then it would have deleted the cnameif you deleted the public hostname). err actually I forgot they removed the old value from being logged before I believe across all accounts. You could still check though or find you setting it from before the tunnel came. Otherwise you'd have to find what it was before
KhelikOP6mo ago
I think I may have found it, the Cloudflare User had a Delete, Before a Create log. though it seems to show the Newvalue AH! so it deleted not a CNAME but an A record, and I was able to re-create it thanks to the logs! Thank you so much for pointing me to the needed data!!

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