
q4, how to solve it?
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11 Replies
iTeachChem Helper
iTeachChem Helper
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Draw figure and use the fact that tangent is perpendicular to radius. Then diameter of the circumcircle of PBA is line joining P and common center. So locus is also a circle with radius half of the outer circle I think
hardcoreisdead6mo ago
plot , obtain coc from 50,114.1 , determine intersection points of coc with c2 now u have three points so find eqn of circle and determine the values being asked ik my approach is quite big, trying to think of a smaller one
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hardcoreisdead6mo ago
could be one approach but idts this is universally true
It is for concentric circles.
Line joining center and point on outer circle is diameter for the smallest circle (as it subtends right angle)
hardcoreisdead6mo ago
oh haan makes sense, nice approach
itsav23OP6mo ago
Oh yes, got it! Since the tangents are perpendicular to the radii, the circumcenter lies on the line joining P and the common center. Given the circles are concentric...the locus forms another circle, and the radius being half thus 5√2 +solved @SirLancelotDuLac
iTeachChem Helper
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