Load balancing and DOS

i set up a load balancing with 10 endpoints, yesterday i split the balancing into 4 pools and each pool with the same healt monitor and now i fount that all servers are down and all seems like a DDOS, when i research for the origen attack i found that the 2.5k requests per minute per node are from clouldflare with the user agent of Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Cloudflare-Traffic-Manager/1.0; +https://www.cloudflare.com/traffic-manager/; pool-id: ca) why when i disable two pools and only leave 5 endpoints in two pools the monitor start an attack?, the DOS stop when i remove the monitor
3 Replies
AndersOP6mo ago
Cloudflare Docs
Monitors | Cloudflare Load Balancing docs
A monitor issues health monitor requests at regular intervals to evaluate the health of each endpoint within a pool.
AndersOP6mo ago
We dont have enterprise plan, but is set by default
No description
Chaika6mo ago
Yea it's been the default for a while. Depending on what you're aiming for it could be desired, in a lot of cases way overkill

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