Brigadier Support

Hi everyone, i hope i can get again some help First sry for my english 😄 my first language is german i use the plugin on my 1.20.4 paper server and everything is just great. Wonderful and in my point of view a perfect item transfer plugin. but now we work on an update to a paper server with version 1.21. and there we get a problem. we installed the version 3.0.3 from modrinth and all 11 networks were loaded, but they're not working ingame. i get a message in my console with something about brigadier support. i tried the plugin version 3.0.2 till 3.0.0 too but always the same. maybe someone can explain what this brigadier support means and how i can fix it. you can see the message on my screenshot. thank you very much 🙂
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42 Replies
WarryOP6mo ago
The plugin was normally loaded and when i use /plugins ingame it is also shown in green. sry i have to write it in german its easier for me. also mein problem ist, dass ich bisher einen paper server auf der 1.20.4 hatte und das plugin super lief ohne probleme beide daumen hoch 🙂 aber nun wollen wir auf 1.21 updaten auch als paper server und das plugin in der version 3.0.3 wird auch ganz normal geladen und auch alle bisher erstellten netzwerke sind da. ich kann sie ingame auch selecten aber wenn ich dann etwas in eine einwurfkiste packe, dann bleibt es dort auch drin und wird nicht wie bisher weiter geleitet in die entsprechenden truhen. in der konsole steht ja auch das 11 netzwerke geladen wurden, aber bisher folgte darunter eine auflistung der bestehenden netzwerke. Nun kommt die meldung wegen brigadier support darüber und ich habe keine idee was ich da ändern muss und vorallem wo. ich hoffe es kann mir da wer helfen 🙂 Sry again, hope someone can translate the text
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WarryOP6mo ago
@Support any solution here?
Drizzi6mo ago
kind of the same problem here - Got a message at startup: Could not initialize Brigadier mappings. Reason: paper brigadier initialization failure (null) Otherwise i'm able to create, select and remove networks. but i can't create any kind of custom items of this plugin.
Kwantux6mo ago
Sorry for the late response. I did find the issue here, the plugin is using the cloud command framework for command setup. However it's using an older version of the framework that still uses a nowadays unsupported way of initializing commands. I'll update the library to the newer version, which is still in beta, but must work for this one.
WarryOP6mo ago
first thanks for the response 🙂 i downloaded the last version on modrinth again and restarted our testserver but the issue is still there
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WarryOP6mo ago
this is how it should look like. thats our 1.20.4 server all networks are there
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byquanton6mo ago
Hi @Warry and @Drizzi, can you test if this build is working? It will still throw an error message, but the networks should be working
WarryOP6mo ago
@byquanton i`m sry but the problem is still there
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WarryOP6mo ago
oh sry i forgot the ingame test... just a moment
Kwantux6mo ago
I'm currently updating the command framework. In case this solves the issue, I'll implement this in a later update. If not, I can give you a snapshot of 3.1.0. However since that version didn't run through any testing yet, it might have some bugs
WarryOP6mo ago
@byquanton ok now i made also the ingame test and i`m sry but it is not working I can select a network like before... all 11 networks are there but then i place maybe a new sorting container and add a filter it says that the new chest is no part of a network. and i can put items in an input container but its not send to another container. (german) ok hab jetzt den ingame test gemacht und geht leider weiterhin nicht. er lädt wie im screenshot zusehen alle bestehenden netzwerke. aber immer wenn ich etwas in eine einfüllkiste lege dann wird es nicht weiter geleitet und wenn ich dann ein neues netzwerk erstelle mit dem namen test und dann eine einwurfkiste oder sortierkiste platziere wird sie dem ausgewählten netzwerk nicht mehr zugeordnet @Kwantux we have an extra testserver for new plugins... this server is always on the same level like our main server. sure we can test the snapshot for you 🙂
Kwantux6mo ago
Hmm, so the plugin works, all networks work However, all commands requiring a network as an argument throw syntax errors. This includes delete, select and merge. I'll post the snapshot as soon as this is fixed
WarryOP6mo ago
perfect i will inform you then if it works 😄
Drizzi6mo ago
Checking this evening. Thank you for the update. 🙂 I will give you a response as soon as I can. Sorry, i just came around to it. I've still got the issue. But tbh i am not entirely sure i'm doing everything right. First of all - here's my startup log:
[06:23:45 INFO]: [networks] Enabling Networks v3.0.4
[06:23:45 INFO]: [networks] Loading config files...
[06:23:46 INFO]: [networks] [QC] Successfully loaded configuration file general.conf on root path networks
[06:23:46 INFO]: [networks] [QC] Successfully updated config file general.conf
[06:23:46 INFO]: [networks] [QC] Successfully loaded configuration file de.yml on root path
[06:23:46 INFO]: [networks] [QC] Successfully updated config file de.yml
[06:23:46 INFO]: [networks] [QC] Successfully loaded configuration file en.yml on root path networks.lang.en
[06:23:46 INFO]: [networks] [QC] Successfully updated config file en.yml
[06:23:46 INFO]: [networks] [QC] Launched using language order: [de, en]
[06:23:46 INFO]: [networks] [QC] Successfully loaded configuration file recipes.conf on root path
[06:23:46 INFO]: [networks] [QC] Successfully loaded configuration file recipes.conf on root path
[06:23:46 INFO]: [networks] [QC] Successfully updated config file recipes.conf
[06:23:46 INFO]: [networks] Initialiased Crafting Recipes
[06:23:46 INFO]: [networks] [Manuals] Successfully loaded configuration file de.yml on root path
[06:23:46 WARN]: [networks] Failed to initialize Brigadier support: Could not initialize Brigadier mappings. Reason: paper brigadier initialization failure (null)
[06:23:47 INFO]: [networks] Loaded 1 Networks
[06:23:47 INFO]: [networks]
_ __ __ __ ____ ___
/ |/ /__ / /__ _____ ____/ /__ ___ _ __|_ / / _ \
/ / -_) __/ |/|/ / _ \/ __/ '_/(_-< | |/ //_ <_/ // /
/_/|_/\__/\__/|__,__/\___/_/ /_/\_\/___/ |___/____(_)___/
[06:23:45 INFO]: [networks] Enabling Networks v3.0.4
[06:23:45 INFO]: [networks] Loading config files...
[06:23:46 INFO]: [networks] [QC] Successfully loaded configuration file general.conf on root path networks
[06:23:46 INFO]: [networks] [QC] Successfully updated config file general.conf
[06:23:46 INFO]: [networks] [QC] Successfully loaded configuration file de.yml on root path
[06:23:46 INFO]: [networks] [QC] Successfully updated config file de.yml
[06:23:46 INFO]: [networks] [QC] Successfully loaded configuration file en.yml on root path networks.lang.en
[06:23:46 INFO]: [networks] [QC] Successfully updated config file en.yml
[06:23:46 INFO]: [networks] [QC] Launched using language order: [de, en]
[06:23:46 INFO]: [networks] [QC] Successfully loaded configuration file recipes.conf on root path
[06:23:46 INFO]: [networks] [QC] Successfully loaded configuration file recipes.conf on root path
[06:23:46 INFO]: [networks] [QC] Successfully updated config file recipes.conf
[06:23:46 INFO]: [networks] Initialiased Crafting Recipes
[06:23:46 INFO]: [networks] [Manuals] Successfully loaded configuration file de.yml on root path
[06:23:46 WARN]: [networks] Failed to initialize Brigadier support: Could not initialize Brigadier mappings. Reason: paper brigadier initialization failure (null)
[06:23:47 INFO]: [networks] Loaded 1 Networks
[06:23:47 INFO]: [networks]
_ __ __ __ ____ ___
/ |/ /__ / /__ _____ ____/ /__ ___ _ __|_ / / _ \
/ / -_) __/ |/|/ / _ \/ __/ '_/(_-< | |/ //_ <_/ // /
/_/|_/\__/\__/|__,__/\___/_/ /_/\_\/___/ |___/____(_)___/
i am running a pterodactyl instance with an updated paper version on 1.21. since its pterodactyl it's dockerized so i am not entirely sure if that's the latest version
Kwantux6mo ago
Sorry for the late response. The bug is fixed with the latest testing snapshot. If no bugs are found in the snapshot, I'll release it later today
WarryOP6mo ago
Oh that sounds great 💪🏻
Kwantux6mo ago
It's already available for testing if you select Beta Tester at <id:customize> Official release will be out soon anyways though
WarryOP6mo ago
i`m not sure but first the brigadier message in our console is not longer there but it still shows that only 11 networks were loaded but not the jason datas too like i showed you on our 1.20.4 server there was a line which said 11 networks loaded and under this line was a list of the jason datas which where also loaded by the plugin. i tried it also wit a complete new network i createt the network test and placed a insert chest and some sorting chests but it shows me no message in the chat that a new network part was added and when i try to make the filter it always said that the chest is no network part.
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WarryOP6mo ago
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WarryOP6mo ago
its crazy because /network listall shows that all networks are there 😅
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Kwantux6mo ago
hmm okay, this seems to be a seperate issue unrelated to the brigadier error it looks like the item you used to place the component is defect in some way did you use the upgrade item directly from the crafting table or did you use an item already present? these do work differently after update 3, it might be possible, that items crafted in v2 became defect
Drizzi5mo ago
Well... i hate to inform you that i've still an Error while loading up:
[17:41:01] [Server thread/INFO]: [networks] Enabling Networks v3.0.4
[17:41:01] [Server thread/INFO]: [networks] Loading config files...
[17:41:01] [Server thread/INFO]: [networks] [QC] Successfully loaded configuration file general.conf on root path networks
[17:41:01] [Server thread/INFO]: [networks] [QC] Successfully updated config file general.conf
[17:41:01] [Server thread/INFO]: [networks] [QC] Successfully loaded configuration file de.yml on root path
[17:41:01] [Server thread/INFO]: [networks] [QC] Successfully updated config file de.yml
[17:41:01] [Server thread/INFO]: [networks] [QC] Successfully loaded configuration file en.yml on root path networks.lang.en
[17:41:01] [Server thread/INFO]: [networks] [QC] Successfully updated config file en.yml
[17:41:01] [Server thread/INFO]: [networks] [QC] Launched using language order: [de, en]
[17:41:01] [Server thread/INFO]: [networks] [QC] Successfully loaded configuration file recipes.conf on root path
[17:41:01] [Server thread/INFO]: [networks] [QC] Successfully loaded configuration file recipes.conf on root path
[17:41:01] [Server thread/INFO]: [networks] [QC] Successfully updated config file recipes.conf
[17:41:01] [Server thread/INFO]: [networks] Initialiased Crafting Recipes
[17:41:01] [Server thread/INFO]: [networks] [Manuals] Successfully loaded configuration file de.yml on root path
[17:41:01] [Server thread/WARN]: [networks] Failed to initialize Brigadier support: Could not initialize Brigadier mappings. Reason: paper brigadier initialization failure (null)
[17:41:01] [Server thread/INFO]: [networks] Loaded 1 Networks
[17:41:01] [Server thread/INFO]: [networks]
[17:41:01] [Server thread/INFO]: [networks] Enabling Networks v3.0.4
[17:41:01] [Server thread/INFO]: [networks] Loading config files...
[17:41:01] [Server thread/INFO]: [networks] [QC] Successfully loaded configuration file general.conf on root path networks
[17:41:01] [Server thread/INFO]: [networks] [QC] Successfully updated config file general.conf
[17:41:01] [Server thread/INFO]: [networks] [QC] Successfully loaded configuration file de.yml on root path
[17:41:01] [Server thread/INFO]: [networks] [QC] Successfully updated config file de.yml
[17:41:01] [Server thread/INFO]: [networks] [QC] Successfully loaded configuration file en.yml on root path networks.lang.en
[17:41:01] [Server thread/INFO]: [networks] [QC] Successfully updated config file en.yml
[17:41:01] [Server thread/INFO]: [networks] [QC] Launched using language order: [de, en]
[17:41:01] [Server thread/INFO]: [networks] [QC] Successfully loaded configuration file recipes.conf on root path
[17:41:01] [Server thread/INFO]: [networks] [QC] Successfully loaded configuration file recipes.conf on root path
[17:41:01] [Server thread/INFO]: [networks] [QC] Successfully updated config file recipes.conf
[17:41:01] [Server thread/INFO]: [networks] Initialiased Crafting Recipes
[17:41:01] [Server thread/INFO]: [networks] [Manuals] Successfully loaded configuration file de.yml on root path
[17:41:01] [Server thread/WARN]: [networks] Failed to initialize Brigadier support: Could not initialize Brigadier mappings. Reason: paper brigadier initialization failure (null)
[17:41:01] [Server thread/INFO]: [networks] Loaded 1 Networks
[17:41:01] [Server thread/INFO]: [networks]
i could create networks but there are no custom items listed nor craftable after login. Not sure what to do next tbh.
Kwantux5mo ago
What server software, minecraft version and other plugins are you using?
Drizzi5mo ago
Running of an pterodactyl egg. I'm running it parallel with floodgate/geyser at the moment. Oh. and essentialsx Some QOL Plugins like timber and destroyleaf are running. i can give you a full list if you need. Below's a screenshot of my selected egg - must be paper 1.21 Version command returns the following: This server is running Paper version 1.21.1-115-master@ba3c29b (2024-09-30T02:19:06Z) (Implementing API version 1.21.1-R0.1-SNAPSHOT)
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Drizzi5mo ago
note: Version 21 is the running java version. not mc.^^
Kwantux5mo ago
What happens when you run /recipe give @s networks:component_input? Oh one thing, did you reload or restart the server? Crafting recipes break for some reason when reloading the server. One restart fixes that though
Drizzi5mo ago
i've restartet the server multiple times. Even the underlying vm. unrelated to this issue though. let me check the command real quick Well..
log Error: Unknown item name: give.
log Error: Unknown item name: give.
/recipes networks:component_input throws:
log Error: Unknown item name: networks:component_input.
log Error: Unknown item name: networks:component_input.
autocompletion also doesnt recognize the item.
Kwantux5mo ago
oh wait, are you using Essentials? try /minecraft:recipe give @s networks:component_input
Drizzi5mo ago
well, the command executes but unfortunately it returns an error:
log Unknown recipe: networks:component_input
log Unknown recipe: networks:component_input
I might have to add it's not super important to get it running. it's just for a female friend of mine and me and the little lenovo server got enough horse raddish to run a normal multi-system-sorter. if i am the only one with these kinds of problems i'm happy to let it rest. but it kind of peaks my curiousity. can i provide some kind of log or debug information from somewhere to help you with these diagnostics?
Kwantux5mo ago
Hmm okay, the plugin somehow doesn't even load the recipe..
Kwantux5mo ago
Can you send me the startup messages you get, when starting this version of the plugin
Kwantux5mo ago
This just adds a log message, when registering all the recipes So I know if the failure occurs on startup or in runtime
Drizzi5mo ago
huh. neat. got some errors
Drizzi5mo ago
Drizzi5mo ago
Funny thing is - i didn't change it yet.
Kwantux5mo ago
Ah perfect, that's the cause. okay, now I just need to figure out, why my plugin blew up the config file After one more restart it should theoretically work in theory
Drizzi5mo ago
i'll check okay - i did get it to start without an error. i also get an confirmation message after trying to add the recipe:
log [15:09:34 INFO]: No new recipes were learned
log [15:09:34 INFO]: No new recipes were learned
Which is nice. But neither the crafting menu, nor the creative menu lists options for the item. or the give command itself. Ah - correction:
log [15:05:47 INFO]: UUID of player me is uuid
[15:05:49 ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: networks:component_misc_block_item_frame removed now.
[15:05:49 ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: networks:component_sorting_block_item_frame removed now.
[15:05:49 ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: networks:component_input_block_item_frame removed now.
log [15:05:47 INFO]: UUID of player me is uuid
[15:05:49 ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: networks:component_misc_block_item_frame removed now.
[15:05:49 ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: networks:component_sorting_block_item_frame removed now.
[15:05:49 ERROR]: Tried to load unrecognized recipe: networks:component_input_block_item_frame removed now.
Kwantux5mo ago
that's supposed to happen, that's not a problem Is there anything like this:
[21:26:36 INFO]: [networks] Registered recipe: networks:wand
[21:26:36 INFO]: [networks] Registered recipe: networks:component_sorting
[21:26:36 INFO]: [networks] Registered recipe: networks:component_misc
[21:26:36 INFO]: [networks] Registered recipe: networks:component_input
[21:26:36 INFO]: [networks] Registered recipe: networks:upgrade_range_0
[21:26:36 INFO]: [networks] Registered recipe: networks:upgrade_range_1
[21:26:36 INFO]: [networks] Registered recipe: networks:upgrade_range_2
[21:26:36 INFO]: [networks] Registered recipe: networks:upgrade_range_3
[21:26:36 INFO]: [networks] Registered recipe: networks:upgrade_range_4
[21:26:36 INFO]: [networks] Initialiased Crafting Recipes
[21:26:36 INFO]: [networks] Registered recipe: networks:wand
[21:26:36 INFO]: [networks] Registered recipe: networks:component_sorting
[21:26:36 INFO]: [networks] Registered recipe: networks:component_misc
[21:26:36 INFO]: [networks] Registered recipe: networks:component_input
[21:26:36 INFO]: [networks] Registered recipe: networks:upgrade_range_0
[21:26:36 INFO]: [networks] Registered recipe: networks:upgrade_range_1
[21:26:36 INFO]: [networks] Registered recipe: networks:upgrade_range_2
[21:26:36 INFO]: [networks] Registered recipe: networks:upgrade_range_3
[21:26:36 INFO]: [networks] Registered recipe: networks:upgrade_range_4
[21:26:36 INFO]: [networks] Initialiased Crafting Recipes
That part needs to be there just to make sure, you did set the crafting table menu to "Show all recipes" and not to "Only craftable" ? that happened to me once and I was like 1h into debugging until I finally noticed, that this was actually the problem all the time..
Drizzi5mo ago
heh. yeah i can imagine. no it's set to show all. i'm also running just enough items so i guess it should've registered it.
log [16:14:45 INFO]: [networks] Enabling Networks v3.0.4
[16:14:45 INFO]: [networks] Loading config files...
[16:14:45 INFO]: [networks] [QC] Successfully loaded configuration file general.conf on root path networks
[16:14:45 INFO]: [networks] [QC] Successfully updated config file general.conf
[16:14:45 INFO]: [networks] [QC] Successfully loaded configuration file de.yml on root path
[16:14:45 INFO]: [networks] [QC] Successfully updated config file de.yml
[16:14:45 INFO]: [networks] [QC] Successfully loaded configuration file en.yml on root path networks.lang.en
[16:14:45 INFO]: [networks] [QC] Successfully updated config file en.yml
[16:14:45 INFO]: [networks] [QC] Launched using language order: [de, en]
[16:14:46 INFO]: [networks] [QC] Successfully loaded configuration file recipes.conf on root path
[16:14:46 INFO]: [networks] [QC] Successfully updated config file recipes.conf
[16:14:46 INFO]: [networks] Registered recipe: networks:wand
[16:14:46 INFO]: [networks] Registered recipe: networks:component_misc
[16:14:46 INFO]: [networks] Registered recipe: networks:component_sorting
[16:14:46 INFO]: [networks] Registered recipe: networks:component_input
[16:14:46 INFO]: [networks] Registered recipe: networks:upgrade_range_0
[16:14:46 INFO]: [networks] Registered recipe: networks:upgrade_range_1
[16:14:46 INFO]: [networks] Registered recipe: networks:upgrade_range_2
[16:14:46 INFO]: [networks] Registered recipe: networks:upgrade_range_3
[16:14:46 INFO]: [networks] Registered recipe: networks:upgrade_range_4
[16:14:46 INFO]: [networks] Initialiased Crafting Recipes
[16:14:46 INFO]: [networks] [Manuals] Successfully loaded configuration file de.yml on root path
[16:14:46 INFO]: [networks] Loaded 2 Networks
[16:14:46 INFO]: [networks]
log [16:14:45 INFO]: [networks] Enabling Networks v3.0.4
[16:14:45 INFO]: [networks] Loading config files...
[16:14:45 INFO]: [networks] [QC] Successfully loaded configuration file general.conf on root path networks
[16:14:45 INFO]: [networks] [QC] Successfully updated config file general.conf
[16:14:45 INFO]: [networks] [QC] Successfully loaded configuration file de.yml on root path
[16:14:45 INFO]: [networks] [QC] Successfully updated config file de.yml
[16:14:45 INFO]: [networks] [QC] Successfully loaded configuration file en.yml on root path networks.lang.en
[16:14:45 INFO]: [networks] [QC] Successfully updated config file en.yml
[16:14:45 INFO]: [networks] [QC] Launched using language order: [de, en]
[16:14:46 INFO]: [networks] [QC] Successfully loaded configuration file recipes.conf on root path
[16:14:46 INFO]: [networks] [QC] Successfully updated config file recipes.conf
[16:14:46 INFO]: [networks] Registered recipe: networks:wand
[16:14:46 INFO]: [networks] Registered recipe: networks:component_misc
[16:14:46 INFO]: [networks] Registered recipe: networks:component_sorting
[16:14:46 INFO]: [networks] Registered recipe: networks:component_input
[16:14:46 INFO]: [networks] Registered recipe: networks:upgrade_range_0
[16:14:46 INFO]: [networks] Registered recipe: networks:upgrade_range_1
[16:14:46 INFO]: [networks] Registered recipe: networks:upgrade_range_2
[16:14:46 INFO]: [networks] Registered recipe: networks:upgrade_range_3
[16:14:46 INFO]: [networks] Registered recipe: networks:upgrade_range_4
[16:14:46 INFO]: [networks] Initialiased Crafting Recipes
[16:14:46 INFO]: [networks] [Manuals] Successfully loaded configuration file de.yml on root path
[16:14:46 INFO]: [networks] Loaded 2 Networks
[16:14:46 INFO]: [networks]
Also -yes,
Kwantux5mo ago
If a recipe is registered via Bukkit, it should be working ingame. 1. Are you using a modified server software (other than Paper)? 2. Could you send a list of the plugins you're using Just the output of /pl So I can replicate your setup.
Drizzi5mo ago
Bukkit Plugins: [12:34:13 INFO]: - AxMines, Backuper, BlueMap, CommandAPI, DeathChest, Essentials, EssentialsGeoIP, floodgate, Geyser-Spigot, KeepChunks [12:34:13 INFO]: LightUp, PluginPortal, RHLeafDecay, Saugykla, Timber, WorldEdit It might be worth mentioning, floodgate, geyser, rh leaf decay, saugykla and worldedit weren't active last time we tried to get onto this

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