16 Replies
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have a question?
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I have one
Are u there 🤔
doesnt mean i know the answer
so just ask the question please
I don't have any questions 👺 but
Is this same as reddit
I just wanted to test it😆
Hey don't leabe
Wait I have bunch more
Why chat is too slow despite of many people
?like literally
so on this server theres chats ( like #general ) where people just chat
in this channel (or forum, #community-help ) people can ask about any problems or question they have. other users can answer if they want. basically like reddit, yeah
sometimes slow, sometimes fast, depending on what day it is and what time, since timezones exist
Not here in general chat
How I get notified when someone post here?
if they ping you or reply directly to a message like i did above (and the message is yellow), yes
if they just write a normal message without pinging or replying directly to one of your messages, no (like this one)
Oh hell nah a free fire pfp
I am out
who can tell me how to fix i was playing 2-3 hours, and its showing this, and the account got locked
:valQuestion: The community help forum is managed by the community and does not offer any official Riot support. You can create a support ticket at https://support-valorant.riotgames.com/hc/requests/new for official support.