Billing not working

Hi all. Sorry to ask this question here but don’t know where else to go (please advice if where is better) … but I’m coming here because I’m not getting a response from Support. I just became a Pro paid user last week. I’m trying to transfer my domain registrar to Cloudflare. It’s a $10.44 fee and the transfer is not completing because I’m getting a stack dump on the Cloudflare dashboard with a json response that implies the payment didn’t go through due to fraud. I’ve called my Issuing credit card. They don’t even see a transaction attempt - so they say, it’s not them blocking the transaction. I have 2 cards on file. What can be done? Support # 17855162
6 Replies
Chaika6mo ago
Are you still having issues?
please advice if where is better)
generally the forum is better for billing issues that need escalations since it's linked to your actual account. If you've not gotten a response and have a forum post link me and I'll throw it in the escalation queue
LawrenceBLOP6mo ago
Yes, still having issues. No one from Trust & Safety responded to my Support ticket. Basically, when I attempt to migrate registrars (to come too Cloudflare), I enter in the Auth Code to transfer my domain. That works. I then enter in my contact details. That works. But when I go to make the ~$11 fee transfer payment, I receive a JSON dump that states “payment failed fraud” But my Issuing bank doesn’t even see the transaction attempt. So something on Cloudflare (or Stripe because it appears Cloudflare uses stripe) is blocking the transaction.
Chaika6mo ago
Did you pick T&S? I think that would be more billing then T&S
LawrenceBLOP6mo ago
Agreed but apparently my ticket go routed to T&S Nonetheless. Very frustrating given that it’s been 1-week and the only response has been here in Discord when someone told me that. I get it if I’m not a payment customer. But I’m on a paid plan. Incident # 01131719 / Support #17855162
LawrenceBLOP6mo ago
Yes. But that was 5-days ago and still not response 😦 (thanks in advance if you can help in anyway)

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