mfad6mo ago

Hair styling

when i shampoo / use conditioner my hair becomes totally flat and loses all volume what can i do to fix this? When i dont shampoo for a while the volume stays without using any products.
6 Replies
deltic6mo ago
First of all, I’d never consider not shampooing as an option. It’s just a bit gross. Have you tried using different shampoos? Perhaps could be either an issue with your haircut or styling. Dry your hair in an upwards direction using a hairdryer and brush through in the direction you want Out of interest, why the opposition to products?
Spuck6mo ago
Have you tried using conditioner on its own? You'll still need to shampoo your hair ever week or so, depending
kyn6mo ago
yes it is… you can get away with not shampooing frequently, or you can try dry shampoo OP if you have curly hair check out the curly girl method subreddit
deltic6mo ago
overuse of dry shampoo is horrid for your hairs health
carrion6mo ago
- not shampooing is absolutely an option, but you do need a cleanser of some sort - your hair type and scalp needs will determine what cleansing and moisturizing products you should use. Length, curls, texture, etc all demand different treatment - again, your hair type will determine if you need product to style and what product you should use From the info you've given, it sounds like the shampoo and conditioner you're using are too harsh or heavy for your needs.
Sam1NOP6mo ago
thanks for all the replies i got valuable pointers that ill try out

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