EAC keeps kicking me out Ghost Reckon Wildlands

Hey, I keep getting "kicked by EAC" when I run this ubisoft game I installed it through steam and it's using proton with the ubisoft launcher Singleplayer works, co op doesn't Any idea why?
32 Replies
termdisc6mo ago
unless you've seen otherwise, I would rely on this indicating that EAC support in Linux has been denied
LyraOP6mo ago
No way to officially they'll support this? Like it all works, everything is fine untill I do co op, and EAC games worked for me before, why is this one specifically no?
termdisc6mo ago
I really doubt it. It's up to Ubisoft EAC is a per-developer/game decision
LyraOP6mo ago
They just decide for each one if they support it or not? like it's not a technical gap just they don't want to?
termdisc6mo ago
each developer can choose if they want to enable Linux support or not
LyraOP6mo ago
that is actually horrible I'll go back to indie games and never look back
termdisc6mo ago
To make it easy for developers to ship their games across PC platforms, support for the Wine and Proton compatibility layers on Linux is included. Starting with the latest SDK release, developers can activate anti-cheat support for Linux via Wine or Proton with just a few clicks in the Epic Online Services Developer Portal.
https://dev.epicgames.com/en-US/news/epic-online-services-launches-anti-cheat-support-for-linux-mac-and-steam-deck September 23, 2021
LyraOP6mo ago
See then this means eAC should work for linux, but ubisoft just opted out specifically for that game and not for the newer one, breakpoint?
termdisc6mo ago
termdisc6mo ago
according to this, Breakpoint uses Battleye which also has Linux compatibility but per-dev enabling https://areweanticheatyet.com/game/tom-clancys-ghost-recon-breakpoint
Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Breakpoint
Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Breakpoint on AreWeAntiCheatYet
termdisc6mo ago
search this site for your games in question, and you'll have a good starting point for info
LyraOP6mo ago
is SayNoToEAC a valid option then? technically I'm just playing co op, not online I bought this game tho and I'm considering refunding
termdisc6mo ago
EAC????!!!!???? Steam deck :: Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon® Wildlands G...
Has anyone been kicked from coop? If so is there any work around? I'm on the deck, my friends are on the pc and I get kicked every time.
termdisc6mo ago
worth a shot
LyraOP6mo ago
Thing is it's like modding, which I think is not bannable Again this is for co op, not multiplayer I'm scared to not get banned or somth
termdisc6mo ago
you should probably read the comment I directly linked to it may include information that is relevant to your situation
LyraOP6mo ago
Downloaded the other one, Breakpoint and refunded this one Now it's "Can't find uplay" even though I have ubisoft client running and I have added it to steam as a non game so it is on the same launcher and the same proton "Proton Experimental"
Kyle Gospo
Kyle Gospo6mo ago
Please use Lutris There's an installer for it
LyraOP6mo ago
That's what I did, problem is steam is not on lutris, ubisoft is in lutris, one can't find the other
Kyle Gospo
Kyle Gospo6mo ago
Hold on, if you own the game on Steam just install it with Steam If you own it on Ubisoft, use Lutris Non-steam game should not be the option here at all
LyraOP6mo ago
See that's the thing about ubisoft, they can't just let you launch games through steam They make you authenticate through the uplay thing before
Kyle Gospo
Kyle Gospo6mo ago
Yeah, you can't skip that
LyraOP6mo ago
so steam has to recognize uplay
Kyle Gospo
Kyle Gospo6mo ago
What should happen is when you launch the game through Steam it launches uplay and then launches the game
LyraOP6mo ago
Yup, thath appens when I install uplay on the same "Proton Experimental" thing that steam uses so now I have one instance from lutris, one for steam, and who knows what other games would require, and it only works on the proton instance and only on steam
Kyle Gospo
Kyle Gospo6mo ago
Yeah that's normal too, you're going to have a install of the launcher for every single individual game that uses it You don't want to stray from that
LyraOP6mo ago
You know why it's a problem? Because ubisoft decided to limit the ammount of connections you can make basically I log in from one it disconnects from others and causes tons of weird nonsense
Kyle Gospo
Kyle Gospo6mo ago
Only one should be running at a time I'm not understanding the problem
LyraOP6mo ago
I just want to know how to manage all of that to keep it short wine/proton/bottles/lutris/heroic
Kyle Gospo
Kyle Gospo6mo ago
You're not meant to use game launchers on Linux. When I install a game on Steam that uses a launcher it installs it in the prefix the game is in, and then launches it with the game. It's closed when you're done playing the game The same is true with Lutris, you're not installing uplay to use Uplay You're installing the game you're intending to play and it installs Uplay to accomplish that If you have a copy of Uplay running multiple games or running in the background without a game running, that's the mistake
LyraOP6mo ago
Hey, forgot to reply, I think I got it, but I do think it's not the best solution because when it comes to ubisoft, they limit you on the ammount of connected users And it's not just a matter of quitting the other one, it's going into the dashboard and unlinking one, and somtimes this owrk,s sometimes it doewsn't, I'm not sure, that is to say when I have ubisoft games on steam and games from ubisoft, it's a big mess Thanks for your help!

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